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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2024


  • Linux is Linux.

    We should send all those people, pages and guides suggesting distros to hell.

    And then instead we suggest update-schemes (fixed, rolling, slow-roll), package managers and Desktop environments. People with enough brain cells to start a computer are then absolutely able to chose a distro fitting them based on that. Everything else coming with a distro is just themeing/branding anyway…

    (and just for the use statistic: Archlinux, Opensuse (Leap and Kalpa), Debian here…)

  • I’ve been using Arch and Manjaro for couple years each and in my experience they both break regularly. But, for some weird reason, Arch Linux is praised, when Manjaro is shamed upon.

    No, there is not some weird reason but actual very good ones.

    Things can break on a bleeding edge update scheme. That’s to be expected from time to time. But the questions are “why did it break” and “what is done to fix it”.

    If something breaks on Archlinux it’s because of some new package with a issue that escaped testing. Then the fix come out as fast as possible (often within minutes even, but let’s assume hours as those things need to move through mirrors first…).

    If something breaks on Manjaro it’s either because of the exact same reason as above, but 2 weeks later. Because Manjaro keeps back updates for two weeks “for stability reasons”, yet doesn’t do anything in those 2 weeks. So they just add the same problem later, completely defeating the argumant about stability. Oh, and fixes are of course kept back for 2 weeks, too, because… reasons.

    Or it breaks because they fucked up their internal QA. For example by letting their certificates expire again and again and again and again… of by screwing up their very own pacman-wrapper and then ddos’ing the AUR for all users, not only Manjaro ones.

    Or -speaking about the AUR- it breaks because they give their users full access to the Arch User Repository (without any warnings about user content being less reliable and used at your own risk) pre-installed. Also they do it on a system generally out-of-date because it lags 2 weeks behind. Which is not what AUR packages are build for (they assume up-to-date systems) and is a straight path to dependency hell and breakings… not because something went wrong but because the whole concept of an out-of-date system not running their own also 2-weeks behind version onf the AUR is idiotic. On the “plus” side they have an easy fix: blame the user, because he should obviously know that an pre-installed part of Manjaro is conceptionally flawed and shouldn’t be trusted.

  • Entschuldige meine extreme Wortwahl aber…

    Willst du mich verarschen? Die Leute in Ostdeutschland haben sich überhaupt nichts erkämpft. Deren Fehlschlag von einem Staat hat den Gesit aufgegeben und sie wurden auf Kosten der BRD aufgefangen. Und seitdem heulen sie rum, dass nicht alles so perfekt ist, wie sie es gern hätten. Als hätte die Wiedervereinigung nicht den Wohlstand einer ganzen Generation aufgefressen. Jeder Staat in Osteuropa hat da vergleichsweise mehr zu kämpfen gehabt, denn die standen tatsächlich bei Null und mussten sich etwas erarbeiten. Große Teile der Ostdeutschen hingegen sehnen sich nach wie vor nach (völlig imaginären) guten Zeiten in der DDR, ehe sie von den bösen Wessis quasi annektiert wurden, als wäre die DDR nicht pleite und völlig am Ende gewesen. Sowas passiert, wenn deine Fehlerschläge keine Konsequenzen haben. Wäre das prägende Ereignis für Ostdeutsche ihr Kampf für die Demokratie, würden sie nicht in großen Teilen autoritäten Regimen hinterher hecheln und sich für Deutschland ähnliches wünschen.

  • Wäre doch nur einmal jemand mit Rückgrat in der Politik, dem es nicht nur um das Verteidigen der eigenen Partei ging, der auch mal Fehler erkennen würde, der aus wirklicher Überzeugung handeln würde. Es wäre ein verdammter Lichtblick in diesem mandelbraunen Politikbrackwasser.

    Nee, das wäre kein Lichtblick, sondern eine Horrorshow. Denn ein solcher Politiker würde in den Medien in der Luft zerrissen und dann von den hirnlosen Lemmingen, entschuldigung, Wählern niedergtrampelt.

    Mag aus deiner Position heraus einfacher sein, den Politikern die Schuld zu geben, aber das Problem ist nicht, dass es keine fähigen Poliker gibt, sondern das der Wähler genau die Scheiße will und wählt.

  • Yes, wages increased by 6% in 2023 already, for a slight increase in real wages while inflation was high. With a lot of the lifting being done by thelast quarter +5,6% wages vs. 3% inflation. For the first quarter of 2024 it’s +6,4% wages vs. 2,5%… oh, and the usually focused group of low earners is at the top with +8,8%.

    Now we are down too 2% inflation… and you still pretend this actual target number aimed for is still rising faster than wage growth.

    The last time real wages sunk was in 2022, so we had 1½ years of increased inflation adjused wages already, with inflation still going down.

  • This would -at least as far as I understand it- limit your swap’s functionality for hibernation etc. Because there your swap needs to be available early. You can still do it in theory, but the key file then would need to be included in you initrams, which kind of defeats the purpose.

    There is however a much more easier option: either use LVM on luks (so the volume is decrypted with the password and then contains both, root and swap) or just use the same password for root and swap while switching over to the systemd hooks (as those encryption hooks try unlokcing everything with the first provided password by default, and only ask for additional password if this fails).

    EDIT: Seeing that you crossposted this from an archlinux-specific community: You can find the guide here. It’s for using a fully enrcypted system with grub as bootloader, but the details (in 8.3 and 8.4) are true for all boot methods. Replace the busybox hooks with their systemd equivalents (in minitcpio.conf for archlinux but again this isn’t limited to that init system), then add “rd.luks.name=<your swap’s uuid=swap” to your kernel parameters and also replace the “cryptdevice=UUID=<your root’s uuid>:root” that should already be there for an encrypted system (that’s the syntax for the busybox hook) with “rd.luks.name=<your root’s uuid>=root”. On startup you will be asked for your password as usual, but then both root and swap will be decrypted with it (PS: the sd-encrypt hook only tries this once… so if you screw up and misstype your password on the first try, you will then have to type it again two times, once for root, once for swap…)