• 23 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • You’re simply making more bad faith arguments. The post was clearly hyperbole, but using violence is probably a reasonable response to actual fascism.

    You can’t “both sides” this. Both sides are evil, but one side is an existential threat to democracy. One side has demonstrated its not going to play by the rules and is fine breaking the norms that many checks and balances relied on.
    On one side some voters are extreme. On the other side, some politicians are extreme.
    One side has already tried to undermine democracy and actually met with some success and no repercussions.

    It’s not the same, and to call it the same is done in bad faith.

  • You cannot be so media illiterate.
    You think that fighting a Nazi makes you a Nazi? That’s the lesson you got from the poem? That is either a mind boggling amount of illiteracy, or, more likely, you’re a Nazi apologist.

    People who are in a position to stand up to evil and fail to do so bear some responsibility for the deeds of the evil.

    Never mind that this post is clearly hyperbolic, you’re clearly making bad-faith arguments in support of fascism. If you’re a fascist or not, you gotta take a good long look in the mirror, because that’s fucked up

  • I wasn’t taking about new fields. I was talking about resource partial updates (eg PATCH, or commonly the U in CRUD).

    If you just want to update a single field on a resource with 100 fields, rather than GETting the entire resource, updating the single field, and PUTting whole thing back, just do a PATCH with the single field.

    Likewise if you’re POSTing a resource that has nullable fields, but the default value isn’t null, how do you indicate that you want the default value for a given field? Do you have to first query some metadata API? That doesn’t seem ideal, when this existing pattern exists

  • Imagine you’re writing a CRUD API, which is pretty common.
    If null attributes aren’t included in the payload, and someone does an update (typically a PATCH), how do you know which fields should be nulled out and which should be ignored?

    I agree for many cases the two are semantically equivalent, but it’s common enough to not have them be equivalent that I’m surprised that it causes arguments