Another demonstration of the vaunted Western ValuesTM
Another demonstration of the vaunted Western ValuesTM
Huge cock
sir, have you considered you live in a society?
Going to the doctor in mind melting pain and he says I have a broken leg and it requires an operation and I say great in the meantime can you give me something for this pain and he says no that’s just a symptom. Except here the pain is a ton of innocent kids being consigned to an early grave for the stock of tobacco companies.
How on earth is proscribing cigarettes for kids who are thankfully not yet addicted to them coordinated violence aimed at the suffering? Completely rubbish, cigarette-brained take.
What’s the public health effect of legalized cigarettes vs, say, pot? Are cigarettes being banned to provide pretext for cracking down on radicals or minority communities?
Authoritarianism is when tobacco companies can’t shove cigarettes down my kids neck.
the alchemists could’ve been successful, and all the gold mine barons would’ve been: so, actually, well, you can’t see it, but I assure you, and the experts will agree, that there is actually a very fine, yes, a very fine distinction (if you can notice it, it really means you have a refined sense of taste, yes) in shimmer between ersatz, synthetic gold from the alchemist, and that the rare, natural from the earth. Ah . . . . well yes, you’re right, the natural gold is ever so slightly duller, but, you see
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