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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • Well known in pittsburgh… really just tastes like a really shitty lunchable IMO. Every time im visiting the city, i grab a piece due to its regional uniqueness… every time though, i immediately regret my decision.

    Also, not sure if it is actually a thing, or if it is just a really weird restaurant, but just east of pittsburgh, theres a pizza restaurant that uses pie dough (like for apple pies) instead of pizza dough. They pair it with an extremely sweet tomato sauce. Was super weird

  • From my understanding, its more along the lines of “risk averse regulators see the side effects as unacceptable”… not “crybaby men are crybabies” like your post infers. (Seriously, your post has some really toxic vibes)

    Birth control has a lot of very horrible side effects… in addition to the common hormonal changes, they also come with things such as an increased risk of stroke.

    For women, child birth is extremely intense on the body with lots of increased risk. Lets look at the stroke side effect as an example… birth control causes increased risk of stroke, but pregnancy causes an even higher risk of stroke. Its easy for regulators to justify the stroke risk of birth control because it actively prevents the higher stroke risk of pregnancy.

    For men, child birth comes with no risk whatsoever because they cant physically get pregnant. lets look at that same stroke side effect for example… birth control provides increased risk of stroke, but comes with no medical benefit. that increased risk is extremely difficult to medically justify.

    Essentially, childbirth/pregnancy is extremely high risk for women, which makes it easier to justify the side effects for a medication that prevents it. The risks of childbirth/pregnancy dont exist for men though, so its much harder to justify the same side effects.

    Yes, it feels unfair and fucked up, but thats because reproduction is inherently unfair and fucked up…

    there may be something to be said about whether or not the regulators factor in the externalities of the pregnant partner when looking at approving such medication… i have absolutely no clue though.

  • Its worth noting, your numbers are super misleading…

    the manufactured home cost in the bob vila article includes the entire house (foundations, land clearing, utilities, finishes, permit fees, etc)… aka, for the 270k, youre getting a move-in ready house.

    The 3D printed home cost in your builtin article appears to only include the basic structure (aka the cheap part). Still gotta pay teams of people to come on-site to do everything else. The cheapest they mentioned was $299k for a move-in ready house.

  • I’ve been enjoying it… Lots of cool new features & fun gameplay… Have about 6 hours in it right now. Overall, i feel like the game has lots of potential even if some of it is unrealized at the moment.

    PC Specs: laptop with i7-9750H, RTX 2060, 16gb ram… (below recommended hardware, but above minimum hardware)

    Regarding performance: When I first got in, it was pretty rough… lots of blurry blobs of textures, invisible buildings, and lots of lag… Once I played with the graphic settings though, these issues effectively disappeared. The game looks very good and is very playable. It does still studder on occasion, but nothing that makes the game feel unplayable.

    Regarding playability: The gameplay feels like a real upgrade compared to CS1. I know it sounds cliche, but the cities really do feel super alive. The progression feels natural and exciting. I actually got so inveloped in the gameplay that i completely lost track of time & ended up going to bed much later than i wanted lol.

    While overall I really enjoy the game, there are a couple things to note that I find particularly annoying: 1 - The achievements… IMO, achievements are super dumb to begin with (wish there was a way to blanket turn them off), but CS2 really takes it to a whole new annoying level. Example: one achievement is to cure 6000 sims in the clinic/hospital. It literally gives you a popup notification for every… single… one of those 6000 sims cured. So incredibly annoying. 2 - I’ve encountered some minor bugs here and there… nothing game breaking, but they did get slightly annoying… 1 in particular was little invisible pockets of water on the land that made road placement difficult.

  • Completely agree! Its why in addition to making relatively lighthearted insults on the internet, i actually advocate for such changes by regularly attending government meetings and contacting my elected representatives.

    Hell, just this week, i participated in a meeting to change my city’s zoning code to allow more density, wrote to all of my representatives (granted this week, my email to them was about the lack of worker protections associated with PTO…) and researched all the agenda items for the upcoming city development and transportation meetings.

    If there is anything im missing that would help advocate for such changes, im all ears! No really… i actually enjoy going to these meetings as dull as that sounds and would love to know more! Its been kind of an emerging hobby for me lol.

    Its the dryest and dullest thing ever, but for some reason, ive been really into that! As a perk, the people watching at such meetings is amazing. Id love for more people to experience the wonders that is a local government meeting.

  • Back when i was a teenager, i was a lifeguard. One day, a mother came to the pool with 3 young children. They were playing by the stairs in the shallow end of the pool when one of the children got out & proceeded to diarrhea on the floor. Mother swiftly picked up the kid in a panic & brought him clear to the other side of the pool to grab her towel. Once she had her towel, she proceeded to continue carrying the continuously shitting child back toward the shallow end on the other side of the pool & into the locker room.

    This kid left a trail of shit that entirely circled the pool + a path to the locker room (total was easily over 150 linear feet of diarrhea.)

    I would know as i was the dumb teenager who was tasked with cleaning it up… it was a very grueling day.

    In short, i think it is very believable that it was “all the way”…