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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • It’s clear you don’t understand my business. A kebab house does not hire a full time IT guy, they hire someone like me when needed. Similarly, they don’t hire a full-time plumber for their toilets, a full-time builder to repair broken tiles, or a full time electrician to repair their electronics.

    As for unionising, I’d support such businesses unionising, and would not help management stop them, even if they are my clients.

    Some perspective for you, because you’re looking for an enemy here: Just because I got sick of working under middle management doesn’t mean I don’t need to be able to afford food and rent. Under the current state of affairs, you have to work for someone, or you have to work for yourself. The only alternative is social support systems which differ nation to nation. If looking at the big CEOs, yeah, you’re looking at arsewipes. No way they got there without stepping on people. But the farther down you go, the more normal people you meet. Owning or running a business is not the same as taking advantage of people, and being self-employed is not the same as union busting.

    I am not your enemy here, but I’m also not going to respond to you anymore. I wish you well, but this is not worth my time.

  • I run a goth night once every other month.
    I visit friends quite often whenever I want to.
    I get up and start my day when I feel like it.
    I play with code and build web toys.
    I’m a freelance IT guy. I could, if I wanted to, earn a lot more than I do, but my time is worth more than money. It is possible to do, even in this world where everyone is told that you need a ‘career’ and to work for a company, although a lot more work is needed to freeing other careers from the obligation of the grind.
    Don’t give up hope, unionise, demand respect, buy a guillotine, and keep an eye out for a way to get what you need and to contribute to society or your community without signing your life away.

    (Yes, some people will never get the opportunity. And that, frankly, pisses me off no end. But don’t lose hope until you’re dead.)