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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I already planned on my next computer being Linux Mint, but it’s getting more and more desired as time goes on.

    I was playing Elden Ring when it began stuttering, turns out Windows Defender was just constantly reading the disk (I still have a hard drive). Finally turned off maximum priority (seemingly random) scans in task scheduler when I began stuttering again. This time it was Windows Compatibility Telemetry taking up 50% of the disk, until I finally found a way to turn that off.

    It’d be so nice to have an OS that doesn’t run random unnecessary things without your permission.

  • I’ve begun to think of LLMs as compression algorithms for patterns. It can take an existing pattern and apply it on unusual subjects. Like take the pattern of a limerick and apply it to the patterns of Danny Devito, that’s the upper limit of their creativity. So rather than storing information, it stores these patterns making it seem more dynamic.

    The way I see it, human creativity is the combination of patterns but in a chaotic non-analytic way. We make leaps of logic that without precise knowledge of our brains can’t be exactly replicated. Meanwhile LLM’s just do the basic combination of patterns that result in the most generic realization of any idea.

    However the well dries up as soon as we stop training them. They’ll store the basics of any field but fail to replicate new developments or conclusions until trained.

  • I can say being a trans woman confronts you with this dilemma head on. While I was boymode I was largely ignored and didn’t think much about safety, but after transitioning I began to understand why my sister always had an array of self defense keychains.

    Since it was a sudden shift for me I’ve ask myself how to avoid dangerous people, and apart from self defense methods the only real answer I’ve come to is recognize the signs and trust your gut feelings.

    Sadly many people are conditioned to always be nice and accommodating to please everyone. Everybody needs to set strict boundaries and know how to leave unapologetically when they’re breached. You never owe someone your unconditional trust.

  • I think in unsafe scenes it can be dangerous to try and argue against your gut instincts by assuming you’re being stereotypical. This message is vital for women and other targeted groups, but can apply to anyone really.

    If you’re out at night, or in a club/bar/party, or out with strangers, or are without your phone/keys, ect; then you need to trust any sense of unsafety and be on high alert. If it’s a false alarm due to a stereotype then you can interrogate your biases later. If someone gives you the creeps, you need to maneuver into a safe position before giving them the benefit of the doubt.

    Our instincts are really good at detecting if something’s off or dangerous, but really bad at communicating that to us consciously. So always go to a friend, or public location, or wait for another day, ect; before turning your back on someone with red flags, even if it’s a stereotype.

  • I’m early Gen Z with a kinda poor family. So I had CRT’s and old VHS but also grew up on the internet.

    I feel an extreme gap between me and people a few years younger. I graduated in 2018 so I was some of the last people to have a traditional highschool experience. Before Covid, Zoom, and Chatgpt.

    I also mostly grew up with computers instead of phones so Im only just now getting into TikTok, I’ll likely never truly revolve around it like many others (both older and younger than me).

  • I’d say convenience and shareability. I come across far more dead Dropbox links than dead Google Drive links.

    And Onedrive is further down in enshittification than Drive. Like windows relentlessly trying to reenable and reinstall without permission.

    Overall I like it cause it’s just there and works. But I wholeheartedly would not recommend it for business applications (without backups at least). There have been instances of companies data just getting deleted or randomly banned from their google account.

    In essence, I would not pay for upgraded storage.

  • Oh it gets worse with Shadiversity. Huge AI art guy, his brother’s an actual artist too so it’s hard seeing Shad brag to him. Very “anti-woke” and paints his conservative Mormon beliefs on everything.

    The worst unforgivable part is the end of his book has impregnated rape victims step up to defend the rapist protagonist because he “gave them” a child, while the ones that didn’t get pregnant were jealous.

    He loves to bring up that the book is supposed to explore this immoral character. But this isn’t the protagonist’s viewpoint this is just how Shad thinks the world works. This is how Shad believes rape victims think.

    Very sad to see, I followed him for swords and castles but Jesus Christ.

  • Honestly Google Drive works great as free storage (Though for large storage there’s no guarantee they won’t accidentally delete it, it’s happened before).

    And Google Suite is good enough if you can’t be bothered to get Microsoft Office. Though they’re forcing AI into it and have some weird quirks like being unable to copypaste external text with rightclick.