• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • IMO the GBC isn’t really a full successor to the original game boy. Even though there were exclusives the actual system is more or less just an overclock/spec bump from the original game boy. Nothing about the system (architecture, input layout, developer experience, etc.) fundamentally changed Edit: aside from the PPU being able to handle colors on the screen.

    On the other hand, the GBA is a different generation because it has a completely different architecture and development process. In order to maintain backwards compatibility, Nintendo basically just stuffed the original GB/GBC internals into the GBA alongside the GBA hardware, and it will just decide which CPU to use depending on the cartridge it has loaded.

  • Another thing is that the power profile of consoles (and computers in general) has gone up a lot since the earlier consoles. Even if it was well-designed, the thermal paste in all of the coolers would still get hard over time and need to be replaced. That wasn’t as much of an issue with consoles like the Nintendo 64 that used a 20-watt wall adapter as opposed to the max of 200 watts* a PS5 can draw under load. (I don’t have a PS5 so I don’t actually know if this is accurate but it’s what Google said)

    The switch doesn’t use much power either but having a battery and the thin profile makes that type of longevity a lot harder. (Granted, longevity is hard for anything with a lithium battery)

    sigh, takes out 3DS that’s still hanging in there

  • It’s a setting you can change in your lemmy profile, and having the bot setting turned on doesn’t stop you from posting manually.

    I’m not sure if it goes the other way around though so bad-faith bot posts pretending to be real people could probably still happen if the bot setting is never enabled.

    Edit: just to be clear Blaze is definitely not a bot but I don’t think bots necessarily have to have the bot icon.

  • Zangoose@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlpriorities
    13 days ago

    Honestly if it weren’t for the headache of some software still not ported over to arm 4 years later, Macs would be pretty good for software development since they have a lot of the POSIX tooling.

    For the same reason I have windows so that games will “just work,” I have Linux so my programming setup will “just work.” Low level languages like C/C++ are so much easier to work with on Linux.

  • Technically I think python already has an intermediate step that it uses before it starts running a script that compiles it into a lower-ish language (at least the cpython interpreter does this, it probably isn’t a part of the language specification though)

    The actual line between JIT languages and interpreted languages is pretty thin since I think most interpreted languages do something similar to minimize the amount that needs to be done at runtime

  • Screw it. Let’s actually make python script an ISA that gets run on physical hardware with no higher level tooling. Then we can have the python virtual environment which runs this for fools who don’t have the right hardware. Finally, when people start complaining about naming we make Python Script 2.1, which is a JIT language built on top of IL that looks nothing like either of them but can emulate both python and python script with the performance cost of being a quarter as fast as both.

  • I’m also Gen Z and this was me for a while as well. Something that really helped me is not focusing as much on all of the million things going wrong that are way out of my control, and taking smaller steps wherever I can to try to make things better. That shift in perspective has made a lot of things more manageable and less overwhelming even if I still ultimately have the same negative outlook on everything that’s going on right now.

  • The other consideration is that pretty much every company you could work for as a software developer is going to try to take advantage of your work. Most companies are morally bad at best and morally terrible at worst. If you discourage any good person from working there, the problem will only snowball from there.

    If working at FAANG gives you the resources to support things you’re passionate about, and you’re willing to stand up for your values when they do something bad, there isn’t a problem with that IMO.