алсааас [she/they]


ur local depressed transfem, mostly here to liquidate years of piled up meme reserves

also on mastodon

  • 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • “Green New Deal” by Molleindustria (afaik on Steam and mobile app stores)

    “Half-earth Socialism” (Steam and Web. They have a website and it’s based on a book. I recommend playing it on the website since the Steam version is buggy af)

    both are free as in beer, with the latter also being free as in freedom.

    though the latter one has some rly bad takes imo, but it’s still fun to play

  • imo grouping ppl into nations (and thus states) is usually harmful. Ethnicity and culture are not synonymous with states which only exist for one class to oppress another (virtually always in favour of the rich)

    The concept of a nation is one of the initial lies of ruling elites. The exploiters and oppressors have shouted since the dawn of time: “Don’t look at this massive ravine dividing us into materially opposing classes, we are all members of this abstract notion of a nation, remember? Direct your hate towards the exploited ppl of other nations, they are the source of “our” problems, even though you are much more aligned with them materially!”

    For example: I wouldn’t have a problem with ppl painting flags of progressive movements or states where the working classes are in power

    EDIT: changed first sentence to a more accurate definition of a state (still basic)