I’m still using it. I binded 1337 and torrGalaxy and so far, not a single issue as far as results.
I’m still using it. I binded 1337 and torrGalaxy and so far, not a single issue as far as results.
I’m still using it. I binded 1337 and torrGalaxy and so far, not a single issue as far as results.
The shot where Julia is looking back from the hill and the crowd is reunited in the cafeteria is top-notch. By the way, how the hell did she discovered the tape solution? If I’m not mistaken, they don’t explain that part. Maybe I missed some details.
The shot where Julia is looking back from the hill and the crowd is reunited in the cafeteria is top-notch. By the way, how the hell did she discovered the tape solution? If I’m not mistaken, they don’t explain that part. Maybe I missed some details.
The shot where Julia is looking back from the hill and the crowd is reunited in the cafeteria is top-notch. By the way, how the hell did she discovered the tape solution? If I’m not mistaken, they don’t explain that part. Maybe I missed some details.
I’m still using it. I binded 1337 and torrGalaxy and so far, not a single issue as far as results.