Why did justice come so quick to this traitor? Was Jack not wealthy?
Nintendo doesn’t want competition
And federal minimum wage still at 7.25 for the last 15 yes. 🤔
Open is open, should have as few strings attached as possible.
Yeah, kinda funny that I further the idea of open being fully open, and get downvoted. In an open source community. Funny.
Only a Sith Lord deals in absolutes.
I hope this Doesn’t catch on. It is open for a reason. Damn drama makers.
Less than 3% growth annually is a body recession.
Trying, not doing.
I like plans, but prefer action!
IGN though. Would consider theonion more credible news source.
But then Apple would be honest in their advertising.
Selling bombs to make billions killing babies.
Talk about White Washing a story.
History fixed. Move along.
Don’t worry, I’m sure the US.A. will offer a weekly Groupon deal with free shipping.
The U.S. has officially outlawed free speech.
Insurance is a straight up scam. In every case.
They run like shit on ChromeOS, so Google can shove it where the sun don’t shine.