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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 18th, 2024


  • There are a lot of heavy manufacturing tools that are controlled and have their interface handled by Windows under the hood.

    They’re not all networked, and some are super old, but a more modernized facility could easily be using a more modern version of Windows and be networked to have flow of materials, etc more tightly integrated into their systems.

    The higher precision your operation, the more useful having much more advanced logs, networked to a central system, becomes in tracking quality control.

    Imagine if after the fact, you could track a set of .1% of batches that are failing more often and look at the per second logs of temperature they were at during the process, and see that there’s 1° temperature variance between the 30th to 40th minute that wasn’t experienced by the rest of your batches. (Obviously that’s nonsense because I don’t know anything about the actual process of steel manufacturing. But I do know that there’s a lot of industrial manufacturing tooling that’s an application on top of windows, and the higher precision your output needs to be, the more useful it is to have high quality data every step of the way.)

  • I’m aware of how they’re attempting to normalize their deception.

    “Up to” is always fraud. No gray areas and no exceptions. If you put a speed on an ad, not providing at any point is not acceptable.

    You absolutely can take the lines through the exact same eminent domain that was required for them to exist in the first place. You can pay with the fines for ever single customer they falsely advertised to, which doesn’t need new laws. Fine print doesn’t validate deceptive practices, and the whole point of the big giant numbers is to pretend that’s what you’re selling them. Or for failing to meet their contractual obligations for all the various other handouts they received for the sole purpose of providing broadband to everyone and didn’t bother doing for 100 years.

  • Anything short of providing what you’re advertising 100% of the time is fraud. It’s not even theoretically possible to sell more than you’re capable of providing while acting in good faith.

    Every customer should be entitled to receive exactly what they’re advertised. Stop advertising shit you can’t offer. There is no possible excuse that makes you not a scumbag.

    A perfectly acceptable alternative seizing the assets of every company scamming their customers and making them the publicly owned utility that they’re supposed to be.