Thread is over, because this is the only correct answer.
Thread is over, because this is the only correct answer.
No worries. Gramps (desktop) is where I do work on my main tree, and then personally I will do a one-way sync (so that it can’t “corrupt” my tree) up to my GrampsWeb docker frontend so that the rest of my family can view the data.
I don’t understand what you mean by “official docker container” because Gramps is desktop software and doesn’t have a container. The GrampsWeb / Gramps.js is the web interface for browsing it, that can run in a Docker container, but is developed separately.
You can use the Gramps desktop app on your normal computer and then host a frontend using Gramps.js
Street Complete is a great app for quests regarding existing features, but also consider the feature might not exist at all yet in OSM.
Map Complete is great for adding new features. It also asks a bunch of optional simple questions about the feature which gets converted into the relevant OSM tags. It’s browser based but you can just add a shortcut to your home screen to have it quickly accessible.