Wait a minute, what?
I’ve been to a few cities all over Europe, lived in a couple of them for years, and I feel like having a general knowledge of the geography of where you live is a basic requirement of life.
Didn’t you play the “capital city game” with friends as a kid?
I mean, it’s cool with me if you or anyone has no idea of the layout of your local map, but that’s a surprise for sure.
Oooowkay! So sorry for my surprised comment. I totally get, and agree with, what you actually said.
Being from not-the-capital-city of my country but living there, I struggled with the uttermost self-centeredness of its inhabitants.
I do think knowing topology and geography of things and places is much more than basic general information. For me it relates to “feeling” a place, and belonging somewhere. But what do I care where the upper east whatever is…
Also, culture production might have something to do with all of this : An open letter to NYC - The Beastie Boys