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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • duxbellorum@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlThese labels mean much less than you'd think
    1 year ago

    Jesus fucking you ARE THE PROBLEM.

    It’s not “no point in opposing polution because china would”

    It’s literally the same people and they are providing a service that YOU consume (whatever form lf food you eat, any shit you buy off amazon, the car you drive, the phone you use, etc…) all you have said is “it’s fine if you pollute as long as you do not do it in front of me” “it’s fine if you torture animals if it’s not in front of me”

  • It’s more the fact that this movement spends all its energy shutting down Fois Gras and Angora and has had ZERO impact on the wholesale slaughter of sentient beings across the meat industry except to shift a growing portion from farms in the US and Europe where there are some meager standards to farms in asia that have zero scruples and will torture without reserve to make an extra juan.

    Fucking useless caricature of activism. All your outrage would be more effectively spent on literally anything else.

  • duxbellorum@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlThese labels mean much less than you'd think
    1 year ago

    People who advocate against animal cruelty are a special kind of stupid. Totally destructive of any (fundamentally not so bad) businesses that give time the time of day, and utterly ineffective at actually meaningfully changing the mass cruelty of the meat industry. Absolutely catastrophic virtue signaling. PETA “shelters” have a higher kill (euthanasia) rate than any other organization.

  • I appreciate your intentions, but your examples are just not up to the standard needed to treat AI generated nudes any differently than a nude magazine collage with kids’ crushes faces in it.

    As uncanny as the nudes might be, they are NOT accurate. People know this and they are going to learn one way or another to adjust their definition of “real”. No character details like moles or their actual skin tone, or anything like this will be accurately portrayed. They have no reason to think “someone has seen their naked body”. Yeah, if someone tells them to worry about it, they will, as any young person will, but why? The bigger the deal we make of it, the worse it is, and the litmus test is, is it bad if we decide to ignore it and teach kids that ai generated nudes have nothing to do with them and that they can safely ignore them, then they do basically zero harm.

    How is your test example related to this at all? In the one case, my face and clothed picture is acquired likely with my implied permission from social media and modifications that i did not authorize are added to it and it is then distributed, making me look naked and having no bearing on my person or character (since the ai doesn’t actually know what i look like naked) so no conclusion anyone would draw from it constitutes a disclosure of information about me. The test example constitutes a clear disclosure with provenance to establish the validity of the information, quire a different scenario. It is true that AI chat bots can be jail-broken to release my previous questions which might reveal things about my character that i do not wish to disclose, but that is a different issue and unrelated to these nude generators.

    I’m not saying handing these nudes to a kid or blackmailing them is not criminal or harassment, just that the technology and medium should have almost no bearing on how we treat this.

  • It’s not different, it’s all fake, cobbled together from images of other people’s bodies and will show zero authentic details about the subject except what are already known and visible about them.

    What the fuck are you talking about? Spreading nude photos of any provenance around at work is definitely an HR violation, and the use of my partner’s face in them (just like pasting their face on a pornstar’s photo) is sexual harassment. Nothing about it being AI generated changes any of that equation except to make it a little more uncanny.

    It’s a fad, and how would we deal with you sending your hand drawn pictures around the neighborhood….form a group of concerned moms and raid all of the local art shops to stop the sale of drawing materials?

    The genie is out of the bottle. We can shower these types of content with huge attention which will ultimately extend and expand the fad, we can ignore them because they are pointless, or we can try a futile war on AI porn that, like the war on drugs, will ruin a lot of ultimately benign peoples lives in order to crack down on a few legitimately criminal creeps who probably can already be prosecuted according to existing laws.

  • It’s an unpopular opinion, but crippling platforms due to CSAM is a lot more harmful than what would happen if we did not have such draconian laws around it. Do people think there would be some dramatic explosion of CSAM? I don’t buy that for a second and the act of producing such material has always and will always be illegal, so like everything else, it seems ridiculous to prosecute the particular crime of posession.

    Seize all funds received for distributing it, throw anyone involved in producing it in prison and throw away the key, and stop holding threat of social death over anybody’s head if some idiots throw a bunch of digital gunk at them.