A software developer and Linux nerd, living in Germany. I’m usually a chill dude but my online persona doesn’t always reflect my true personality. Take what I say with a grain of salt, I usually try to be nice and give good advice, though.

I’m into Free Software, selfhosting, microcontrollers and electronics, freedom, privacy and the usual stuff. And a few select other random things, too.

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Joined 26 days ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2024


  • I suppose where I live they mostly ate food made from grain. Like bread or barley gritz or other tasteless stuff. And then some available vegetables, berries, some animal produce, probably not a cow unless they were rich, more like eggs and occasionally a chicken.

    I think the Roman empire also spread quite some culture and food across Europe. But I can’t imagine living before the Columbian exchange. That brought us most stuff we eat as if today. Yeah and colonialism in general, that made some goods available for people in Europe.

  • What’s traditional? Like some decades or 100 years ago? Or before the Spanish brought the potato to Europe? Or paleolithic diet? I don’t quite get what “traditional” means in the context of something always changing and evolving like food. And plants like potatos, tomatos, paprika, coffee, … and spices spreading over the world. And a constant flux of change and everything being connected and incluencing each other for centuries or thousands of years already.

    Or does traditional mean not as much additives, sugar and convenience food? Because I think we can answer that by looking at the statistics. People need less sugar and more fibers for example than we currently consume (on average).

  • For some time I’ve occasionally used the ones for the visually impaired because they were easier to get right. But they also messed those up. I get a load of fire hydrants, cars, stairs and bicycles and motorcycles and traffic lights. Sometimes the pictures just repeat. I don’t think the stock of images is that big. But they could look at other things instead of just correctness. Like your mouse movement and how long it takes you. Not sure if they do that.

  • I’m pretty sure the cryptographic parameters to generate a public key are included in the private key file. So while you can generate the other file from that file, it’s not only the private part in it but also some extra information and you can’t really change the characters in the private key part. Also not an expert here. I’m fairly certain that it can’t happen the other way round, or you could impersonate someone and do all kinds of MITM attacks… In this case I’ve tried it this way, changed characters and openssh-keygen complains and can’t generate anything anymore.

  • Glad you could figure it out. Keep an eye on the certificate updates. As far as I know letsencypt certs are valid for 90 days or so. In case you have a periodic job that renews them, that one might now fail to update the files when it runs the next time in 2 months or so. But that depends on the permissions and user of that renew job. However that’s set up. But for the next few months, everything should be fine now.

  • I think first of all there is a problem with gun violence in the USA. You should address that first before analzying the steps 2 layers down the chain. And that’d be pretty effective and way easier to do than fix the mental health of millions of people. After that you shoud do that too. Make it so the nation cares for people, helps them and educates them. Make life enjoyable and reduce hatred. You can’t prevent every assassination attempt of a president, but certainly save the lives of lots and lots of other people that way.

  • However this tool doesn’t have any safety warnings written on it. The App they used specifically caters for use-cases like this. They advertise to use it unmorally and we have technology to tell age from pictures for like 10 years. And they deliberately chose to have their tool generate pictures of like 13 yo girls. In the tool analogy that’s like selling a jigsaw that you’re very well aware of, misses some well established safety standards and is likely to injure someone. And it’s debatable whether it was made to cut wood anyways, or just injure people.
    And the rest fits, too. No company address, located in some country where they can’t be persecuted… They’re well aware of the use-case of their App.

  • Don’t think so. If life is just your SAT… I don’t think examns are that enjoyable. And it’s not like God gave us clear instructions anyways. If that sucks, it’s on him. And the bible is more treating us with the carrot and a stick. Lots of it is invoking fear… don’t do this, don’t do that… He’ll send plagues and illnesses, seems a narcissistic father and has no issue whatsoever making some of us suffer. I wouldn’t like it at all if it were true.

    Some people however will get a comfortable feeling from being exposed to empty promises. But to make them more effective, I’d say it’d need some more visual invitations. Like God showing himself and performing some more miracles so it becomes believable. And we need clearer instruction because christianity is just filled with contradictions. And it’s hard to cope with that. The promise is afterlife, but you’re set up for failure because of the bible telling everything and the opposite. And being set up for failure sucks.

  • Something like an old laptop will make a power-saving homeserver. But that won’t work if you want to attach lots of storage.

    I don’t think an Optiplex is the most energy-efficient choice. They seem somewhat okay, but you’d need to put some effort in and read some tests and reviews to find a really efficient mainboard and PSU. That’s not easy

    You can spin down your harddisks. I have some udev rule that executes hdparm -S60 /dev/sdb after boot. That’ll spin down the hdd after 5 minutes of inactivity. It’s alright for low usage scenarios. And it doesn’t spin up that often because the hdd contains my photos, backups and a few movies. And my operating system and files that are accessed often, are on a SSD. Starting and stopping disks like once a day should work for many years. But don’t cycle it every few minutes.

    And obviously, you can also shut off your server over night or just wake it on demand, if that fits your use-case.

  • (Same things would apply as I lined out earlier. You’d also need to pay attention to the parent directory of that directory (and maybe parents of those). And check if coturn is actually running as that user and/or group.

    You might just (for testing) grant all permissions on the files. Put them into a directory that you’re 100% sure coturn can access. Like one of Coturn’s own directories. And then chmod 666 both files and give them the same user and group as coturn’s own config file has. If that doesn’t work, it’s not the permissions.)

    And read the actual error message again. Make sure it says “permission denied”. Make sure the filename in the error message is the exact filename and location of your certificate file. To rule out other errors or a typo.

    And now that I’m reading your initial post again, it says it can’t find them. So maybe it’s really not the permissions, but the coturn config doesn’t point to the correct location of the certificate files. Usually permissions is a good first guess. But if the error message says sth else, it could very well be what the error message says. Does it go on and tell you where it looked for the certificates?

  • Our robot overlords will.

    But more seriously: There is a lot of stuff that AI can’t do. And is far off of. It can barely do anything at all for me. Like translate stuff or re-write an E-Mail. The rest is hype. It can’t do my laundry, clean up the kitchen. It can’t drive the train that gets me to work, not fix a toilet. And it’s years if not decades away from being able to do it. I’d be worried if I had some callcenter job or first level support. Or was a useless manager who just pushes paper around all day. These jobs are going to be replaced fast, yes. But it’ll take some time for lots of other jobs.

    And if we (at some point) advance to a future, where we live in abundance, and technology can do all the hard work, so humans don’t have to… Wouldn’t that be great? We could do whatever we want. Of course culture and society has to change. We can’t have concepts like salaries if we don’t work. But by definition we’d have our basic needs met. Food will be enough, or we wouldn’t not work anymore. So I guess we just do away with money. Or everyone gets a fixed amount. You could make up your own job. Do arts and crafts, or travel, or spend the day with your kids.

    There is one big caveat, however: We won’t automatically arrive in a Star Trek post-scarcity utopia. Currently all the AI is owned and designed by big corporations. They also own the computers to run it and they are in control of it. And there is a lot of corporate greed, lobbyism and generally unhealthy divide. I’d say it’s very likely that rich people and big, greedy corporations will want to keep everything to themselves. The rich will get richer and assert their dominance with this powerful tool. The poor will get poorer. And can’t compete with that at all. And despite theoretically living in a sci-fi world, it’ll be a dystopia and end in a big mess / class war / oppression.

    But yeah, you’re right. Our current form of economy with supply and demand, and money, won’t work under those conditions. And I don’t think there is a fix to it sou we could keep it.