Everyone’s gangsta with their extra accounts until the ban hits and an important revenue generating business page (and all other accounts related to it too) are gone for good.
Everyone’s gangsta with their extra accounts until the ban hits and an important revenue generating business page (and all other accounts related to it too) are gone for good.
Too bad that if my kid cheats I will be banned too. :(
Well mom (parents/legal guardians/etc) pay the bills but everyone contributes to the mess.
Return to Grace! It’s a short AWESOME sci-fi adventure in FPS perspective but no fights, no hard puzzles, the controls are very well explained and quite basic.
No Hungary flag, I wonder why. :(
Auch Landesregierungen können den Prozess anstoßen.
Much better in Remnant2! Normal mobs, minibosses, even bosses: on my second play through I’m still discovering lots of new things. Best game in 2023.
So wie mein Hund, als ich gestern auf ihre Hundematratze eine extra Decke gelegt habe, damit sie in der kalten Jahreszeit es etwas kuscheliger hat. Seitdem liegt die hohe Dame demonstrativ neben der Matratze. Morgen werde ich wohl kapitulieren.
I’m only counting 5 fingers, robots already amputated one.
Well deserved, I hope we will see more vaccines based on their research soon.
Wo finde ich eine Anleitung, WIE ich die entsprechenden Einstellungen vornehmen kann?
That’s the saddest bowl of food I’ve ever seen in my life hilarious!
What’s that with a 3000 usd used cock ring on his merch shop lol??? Used cock ring