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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 20th, 2023


  • Relativ klassische Polemik gegen die Definition von Armut als X% des Medians. Gerne erweitert um „Arbeitslose haben heutzutage ein Smartphone und können Vanille und Zimt im Supermarkt kaufen. Ludwig der 14. hat nicht so gut gelebt!“ Sprich, die wahre richtige Definition der Armut sollte sein „besitzt die Kleider, die er trägt und sonst nichts und ist permanent an der Grenze zum Kaloriendefizit“.

  • Very much agree with the first two paragraphs, very much disagree with the third paragraph. “Exceptionally bad”?! Compared to what? I’d say that one or two open world games of the last ten years really stand out but Cyberpunk is comparable to the average. And I would guess it’s quite enjoyable if you already enjoy the cyberpunk genre. Anecdotally, the side quests and side characters seem to elicit very divergent appreciations.

  • Ok those are really big things. For those really big intimidating things, I found Barbara Oakley’s book/lectures on procrastination quite helpful. I think they are on YT. They helped me get unstuck during my PhD. For the smaller recurring things, let me know if you find a good strategy :) When it’s non-life-changing fun stuff (e.g. music/drawing/crafts), I try to focus on the joy that I get out of even just dicking around instead of how I suck compared to Picasso.