Sharing is caring!
Sharing is caring!
Yeah that’s the whole point of LTS, so it stays compatible with that kernel version but still gets important updates, but no feature updates
The article is about frozen vendor kernels, not about.LTS
Bei mir funktionierts, direkter link zur mp4:
pacman -Qq
listet alle deine installierten Pakete auf, das zweite ‘q’ ist dazu da, dass in der Auflistung nicht die Versionszahlen dabei stehen.
ist eine Röhre welche die Standardausgabe vom ersten Befehl zur Standardeingabe des nächsten Befehls weiterleitet.
pacman -S -
installiert alle Pakete die über die Standardeingabe reinkommen, normalerweiße schreibt man anstatt dem Minus den/die Paketnamen hin, aber in diesem Fall will man ja die Pakete die über die Röhre reinkommen installieren, dazu ist das ‘-’ da.
Zu Lange;Nicht Gelesen
Die Zeile installiert alle deine Pakete nochmal neu.
:( what does broken mean?
Same until I started using helix, where my only config is adding another language server and setting a theme
Bruh I watched that interview, and it was really cool to hear his stories, kinda wholesome, but in the last few seconds he completely messed up the wholesomeness, because he talked about creating a NFT 🤡
Can also recommend Qobuz which allegedly pays even more than tidal. And it also has real losless audio, instead of whatever Tidal is doing.
And you can even buy FLAC files from them, without DRM. Or use tools which you can find on the internet, where you can download the flac files ‘for free’ (you still need a subscription).
For example terraform changed their license to a non open-source license, and everyone hated it. Then a fork was created, which used the code before the license change which was still licensed under an open source license. The fork “OpenTOFU” is now ‘owned’ by the Linux Foundation
Same for redis, there is also a fork called Valkey now, which is also ‘owned’ by the Linux Foundation:
WinAmp making their source code ‘source available’ instead of open source, and then dropping this phrase:
The release of the Winamp player’s source code will enable developers from all over the world to actively participate in its evolution and improvement.
Yeah I don’t think so
Metager uses Yahoo and Yandex in the free version, when you pay you can also get search results from bring, mojeek and brave, but you can select which search engines you want to use in the settings.
Same in germany, thats always how I compare prices.
Das lese ich jedesmal bei so Pressemitteilungen und jedes mal Frage ich mich, was die da eigentlich machen? Muss jetzt Harald aus der IT auch noch Nachtschicht einlegen?