Thanks for the information! Like I said, I definitely don’t fully know the ins and outs here, I just know that both they and Everton are being investigated for FFP violations. Whether there’s veracity in those claims I guess we’ll find out. Sounds like some committees have already indicated that there may not be.
I’m curious about UEFA’s…integrity? with this. I have no evidence to back anything up with respect to this, but I’ve been under the impression that UEFA has taken money under the table for various things in the past and wondering if this could be a similar situation. I’ve got no horse in the PL so I’m not biased against Man City in any way (at least I like to think so, there may be some latent bias, I have to admit), but no matter what we have to admit that the ownership of Man City is kind of sketchy. I know they aren’t state owned, but IIRC the group that owns them is an entity of Qatar? And if that’s the case I’d be surprised if there isn’t money changing hands all the time that isn’t accounted for. I’m still convinced they bought the World Cup, though I have no evidence.
I’ll also be the first one to point out that even if that’s true, Man City isn’t the first and won’t be the last to make such a deal. There’s tons of Saudi and Qatari money in football.
I’m glad you’ve had good luck with your Samsung TV. We have a Q60 and I absolutely despise it. I can’t wait to get rid of it. Apple TV had made it useable, so I’ll probably stick with it until it dies. My problem with it is the OS. It’s absolutely garbage in my opinion, and slow as hell.
Wishing a good future for yours!