Haven’t really had any problems so far in regards to crashing, that being both on Intel and AMD with a 4070 and 3060ti.
Sure a few texture glitches and some loading ship animations have been a bit glitched, and the occasionally ragdoll enemy leads to stuck in geometry, but otherwise it seems mostly fine after some 20-30 hours.
What I find much more egregious is the amount of loading screens, combined with ship combat just plain being boring/being too hard in the starter ship.
Ah yeah ok, I had longer loading times on my 9700k, so yeah the series S might be hard pressed. The bugs you describe sounds annoying as hell.
Quest breaking I have luckily not run into (yet), but I have started getting the same outposts over and over on different planets. The good old mass effect board the exact same ship, which makes sense in universe but gets a bit dull after first couple.