Reddit has employees and servers in Europe, including EU countries. GDPR most definitely applies.
I don’t know about Windows, on Linux it’s at the function level, and some cases are tricky.
A theatre is perfectly fine. It doesn’t have to, and shouldn’t, be one of those suburban monstrosities with a huge parking lot and a dozen screens.
American universities are weird. My hometown has a large university and for the most part once you walk two minutes in any direction it just looks like a regular neighborhood. It helps to not have sports as part of the university.
American schools are big. There is no need for a huge stadium, and definitely no need for a lot of parking, especially considering that it sits empty most of the time. Schools on my home country are smaller, and we have more of them, and they have zero parking. Even the expensive private schools didn’t have any parking spots, the idea seems weird. Frankly American schools appear to intentionally waste space and aren’t integrated into their surroundings.
Every smart TV is a dumb TV too. Mine has some smart stuff, I think, but I have never used it, and it has never been online.
It’s more machine now than man. Twisted and evil.
They’re probably banning it in local elections.
It may not have been your intention but your comment came out dickish. Since your English is so good you should be able to phrase things better.
The US still promotes dictatorships around the world, and in Latin America specifically, while claiming to promote democracy. There isn’t even that much democracy at home.
The narcissist’s prayer definitely applies to the country that elected Trump, as it does to Trump himself.
It’s not that Apple makes amazing stuff, it’s that other companies really put out barely shiny turds.
Look at the zune, the tech was fine, or so I have heard, but it looked like an ugly brick. Seriously, a regular red brick looks better, even a yellow brick does.
I have a Subaru, and while I love it, the infotainment system is garbage. Clearly there was no effort to make it look good and usable.
UX is hugely undervalued, I wonder if one of the reasons is because you don’t notice good UX, it’s not in the way, but you noticed bad UX. So good UX without a lot of marketing is invisible.
In some games storyline matters, in others… not so much. Games with a storyline trend to be less replayable in my experience. One exception I can think of is This War of Mine, that game is really depressing.
Also Terraria is a lot of fun and more replayable than most $70 games.
This is not redneck engineering, it’s how evening is attached to walls in the US as far as I can see. An ugly hole in drywall, and cover the rough edges with trim. I’m not sure what else you are looking for.
Something outside the wall could use minimal wood working and nails or command strips.
You mention you like picture frame mounts, so why don’t you use picture frames? You can get some used stuff for very cheap at Goodwill. Or get wood trim at home depot and cut to size.
Anything that’s not visible gets the glue gun treatment.
A lot of those are condos where you get cable and Internet bundles together, and you don’t even have a choice. Others might be getting a bundle but only using the Internet side. I was sick with the first for years.
Immigration is complicated, and you are thinking only of “legal” immigration. It is extremely common for people to ignore those laws. And a job is not always required, no.
You (generic you) don’t need to really emigrate to a country to receive treatment, you could go with a tourist visa or visa free and get treated, then go back to the shitty country without universal healthcare where you live.
In my home country everyone has access to healthcare because it’s a human right, so by law it doesn’t matter what your immigration status is, you will get care. This includes cancer treatment, for free.
You don’t have to be rich, it takes a couple thousand dollars, the problem is to not become homeless afterwards…
That site is so weird. And whoever wrote that article is also mathematically illiterate. Not to mention they didn’t link to any sources. So here is one they claim to have used:
This source says that 65% of 25-64 year old spoke at least a second language in 2016. The much lower number of 24% is when asked about proficiency, which can’t be compared with the US given Americans’ notorious overestimation of their own qualifications.
Most of the 25% of Americans (I couldn’t find a source for this) claiming to speak a second language is immigrants. I guess it needs to be said, but when people comment on the monolongualism of Americans, it’s about those who are not immigrants or first generation born in the US.
In my experience, most non Hispanics claiming to speak Spanish in the US struggle to hold even a basic conversation. And I have been to 35+ states, including door to door canvassing, etc.