why would i want to delete my bash history, like to refer to my old commands (and yes i semi-regularly clear the XDG_CACHE_HOME because many apps treat them as temporary locations, STATE_HOME would be better, but i also do not remember about its existence all the time, and thank you for the librewolf script, i had something similar (i did not actually specify with this granularity though)
just 1 thing, why are you moving yay/paru to tmpdir, since they often have aur builds, and if you dont have a baller setup (i definitely do not), downloading the source and the compiles are not really temporary waste, also a general tip, dont remove browser cache also (depending upon how aggressively should the cache, like i have a slow cpu, but i got a ram upgrade and fair speed, i get almost near instantaneous load time when going to pages i have cached(for configuration, please check betterfox speed setup))