This is very nice :) I was working on a proof of concept similar to this to have a quick search functionality for FrankenJura (german hiking database) but it was lost in a drawer due to lack of time 😁 Great work and thanks for sharing it :)
This is very nice :) I was working on a proof of concept similar to this to have a quick search functionality for FrankenJura (german hiking database) but it was lost in a drawer due to lack of time 😁 Great work and thanks for sharing it :)
Yes please. I need my MGS fix, dearly 😁
That outlet sure has fun :>
Ah, die eigene Medizin. Sehr gut. Diesem Knilch gehört auch die Fritzbox weggenommen.
I think that „Directors Cut“ would‘ve been a more fitting term for this :) Nonetheless, an epic tale that is worth every second spent.
Did you see this already? :)
Scheinbar schlicht Kapuzenband. Die Metall- oder Plastikhülsen heißen Nadel (Metall heist auch Pinke, Kunststoff Stift).
Danke! Das war echt schlimm, alle total fertig und ohne Hund wars sehr seltsam :/ Er ist zum Glück nur leicht verkühlt und pennt jetzt nach‘m fressen. Ich geb‘n Krauler von dir mit 😄
Werden wir machen, danke! Bisher leider nix, 5h und sieben Leute :( Er wufft halt auch ned, macht er normal wenn er irgendwo hängt. Evtl kriegen wir morgen ne drohne mit Wärmebild zum suchen
Kudos to the developer. It really is the right thing to do when services shut down.
Yep, you can also install it locally, though it requires a bit of command line :)
Same here, happy actual user 😁 coming from ynab, it‘s basicalöy the same. Even has most mobile features since the latest release (editing budgets, adding spendings, etc.) :)
Note that its :)
Da stehen einem ja glatt die Haare zu Berge! 😁😁😁
😄 hope he gets a good laugh out of it as well
Well, there‘s a proposal for a more british version :D
You’ll need to set it up locally and can then access it via browser (since it has a mobile view). There’s no more mobile apps since they went open source, as it’s just too difficult to maintain them. To get you started, check out :)
And with the latest update, adding transactions via mobile in Actual has been added, too :)
Hab am Dienstag gearbeitet, weil Mariä Himmelfahrt am Standort des Arbeitgebers kein Feiertag ist. Donnerstag kommt die Mail von HR, das für mich die Feiertage im Heimatort gelten, weil Home Office-Vertrag. Zack, heute als Ausgleich frei 😁
Guter Einwand, da ist leider tatsächlich noch nicht soviel los wie erhofft :)
If I recall correctly, I couldn‘t find API endpoints back then and had to browse/prse the pges based on the regions and the links on the landing pages 😅