You can add it as a right-click option to Firefox:
- Install: https://webextension.org/listing/external-application-button.html
- In the Extension options, add an application
- Name it something like “Open in YT-DLP: mp4”
- Set the exe name to the path of a local copy of yt-dlp
- Set the arguments to be -S res,ext:mp4:m4a --recode mp4 [HREF]
- Under the Placement options -> Context Menu -> select “All Contexts”
You should now be able to right click on a YouTube page and choose “External Application launcher -> Open in YT-DLP: mp4”
If you want audio only, add another application in the extension settings and use the arguments -f ba[ext=m4a] [HREF] for m4a files.
Roblox uses luau, which is similar enough to Lua that it absolutely does teach you transferable skills. Knock the platform all you like, but it’s not so dissimilar from other game engines that you come away with nothing.
Honestly, I like developing for it, and that’s coming from unity.