• 48 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • Gutting tax revenue and government services, so they can later say “see this doesn’t work/ we don’t have enough money for it” (and gut more tax revenue and government services) is a key Conservative strategy. Ford doesn’t care about Ontarians. I don’t know any conservative party right now that actually works for the working class

  • From talk radio to the New York Times, many legacy media companies are (not so) subtly pivoting from journalism to infotainment that is designed to push the agenda of billionaire owners and get clicks and targeted advertising revenue. They also want to have their cake and eat it too though: to have no accountability for journalistic standards yet maintain their historic cache in news spaces.

    Coverage of Palestine in the the last year, the US presidential election (Biden vs Trump), and the capital gains tax in Canada a couple months ago (that only applies to the <1% wealthiest Canadians) have all clearly exemplified this. I also recognize differences in true majority opinions on these matters and the ostensible status quos that the media outlets try to portray on how Canadians, Americans, or people in general feel about these issues. Propaganda is a strong word, and boy we’re trending in that direction