It fits right in. great RPG game has great elements that are expansive. part of the sell indeed.
It fits right in. great RPG game has great elements that are expansive. part of the sell indeed.
whats the point of discord alternative if none of my wow friends will get off discord?
Wow thanks for sharing, didnt participate but still cool
strange that two weeks ago the opening was like 150 mil a giant success, but maybe that just goes to predict or correlate with this number in some way. Giant opening means great buzz, means more sales. etc. guess it worked out. I need to watch it but probably will just do so at home.
Sounds good to me but also i can get my news from google news so I hope the bot is posting non-mainstream stuff. reddit felt like democrat astroturfing. like too much majory taylor greene. I like to laugh at em too but it just felt… bought out. HA. bot out. bought out.
wow i didnt finish reading cuz im pressed for time but this is scary and glad it fell in our favorable direction. if this had been decided another way I would’ve been beefing my shit up for sure. my fingerprints are all over this shit I’m sure. No way was I being smart back in 2011 type shit and I’m sure its not hard to figure it out if they really want and get the court involved.
i left spotify when they paid joe rogan podcast. the 50 shuffle limit also annoyed me because 300 songs on a playlist get missed. youtube premium is no ads youtube and music