Skynet, eventually.
Skynet, eventually.
Like every other grand ol’ projection, I believe this should be interpreted as a threat of things to come, not academic speculation.
The number of people who fail to recognize what it (typically) means when an issue magically disappears while Simone is looking over their shoulder is absurd.
My kid sister is the same way. Bought her a quest 3 for her bday. Took 3 days to get up and running because a) she had no idea what her meta account passwords were… had always just logged in on her phone… and b) none of the forgot password functions worked because she never cleared her Gmail mailbox so it had filled up and bounced previous facebook emails landing her on their internal do not send list.
I was livid.
Removed by mod
Stop breaking user space
She’s a cunt.
Twisted fister makes her moan so good.
Solvent greenback…eat the rich.
Open source is only as useful as the contributors and reviewers. Finding things after the fact helps noone.
People need to stop revering open source as the solution to humanity’s problems and treat it as a useful tool, nothing more.
Generally speaking, any service or organization that has to pay youtubers or twitch streamers to drive traffic is…a racket. Avoid like the plague.
Bleeding hearts rarely do their cause justice (referring to the person you replied to)
Chaotic evil
The kind of community people like this would create doesn’t need to exist anyway.
Flies, honey, vinegar, asshole.
Pick your terms.
Technically the parent protocol is IP.
In all my years I have never heard someone suggest that TCP is a catch all term.
Meh. Seven can come strong on me any day. Yes I would like to copulate.
The upside is that you served your one term with dignity and got something done.
The fact that everyone thinks political action should be driven by reelection prospects and seems perfectly fine with the ill motivation and contempt for the people that goes with is a major fucking problem.