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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2024

  • You know what, I’ll help you out. Why not. We put down rabid dogs for two reasons. They pose a danger to everyone around them, and we can’t cure them. Psychopathy has these same relevant features. If you want to defeat this argument, your goal should be to attack the dog-human component of the analogy, not the disease component. Why? Well, because even if I granted that rabies and psychopathy do not share the relevant features of being incurable and dangerous, we would just be back to square one, when I point out that:

    1. We put down dogs that attack children. And since dogs and humans are both animals, we should put down humans who attack children, too. Bingo bango, you’re back to square one.

    If you follow my advice and instead attack the human-dog comparison, you stand a better chance of defeating this analogy.

    Spoiler alert, your efforts will fail. This is a really good analogy. To succeed you’ll need to appeal to practical matters that don’t focus on the morally justified treatment of people and turn your attention instead to the practical matters of administering a government.

    You’re welcome. Don’t bother responding, because I blocked you.

  • No, I am genuinely against the death penalty.

    It’s important not to conflate moral facts with practical policy. Most of your arguments focus on how people should be treated, whereas the relevant question is how governments should behave and why. These are very different things.

    Regardless of what people deserve, no government should go around killing its own citizens. That is because killing as a punishment makes a spectacle of death. It is profoundly unhealthy for any civil society to revel in death. That’s the answer. It has nothing to do with what serial killers deserve. They do not matter.

  • Why is everyone anti-science when it comes to nutrition? Sorry, but you’re just wrong, which I suppose isn’t too surprising when your reference is a three-decades old book written by a goofball non-scientist who knows about as much biochemistry as you do. None whatsoever.

    Saturated fat is processed by the liver from Chylomicrons to VLDLs to LDLs in an incredibly taxing process directly responsible for fatty liver disease. No faster way to get diabetes than eating lots of saturated fat and sugar. Both are absolutely horrible and very poorly tolerated by humans, who are apes that evolved eating mostly plants. These are empirical facts. Stop treating food like a religion and just eat a fucking vegetable.

  • it is fundamentally inhumane to kill someone that knows it’s coming (mental torture)

    That killing serial killers causes them harm isn’t a particularly compelling point, since we disagree over whether harming them is, in fact, good.

    risk of executing an innocent

    This is a good point and one I would explore further. However, it leaves open exceptions where the evidence is overwhelming.

    it is hypocritical to kill someone for killing

    Killing isn’t always bad. Killing innocent creatures is bad. Killing serial killers is tantamount to putting down rabid animals.