Zweibel would be two Bel (or two Decibel, converted to the better known unit) if you forgot about your space key.
Surely you mean Zwiebel.
My previous/alt account is which will be abandoned soon.
Zweibel would be two Bel (or two Decibel, converted to the better known unit) if you forgot about your space key.
Surely you mean Zwiebel.
To be fair, people with tumors behind their ears will likely hide it to avoid assholes staring/taking pictures. I don’t see many cancer patients attending chemotherapy either because they are wearing hats/wigs.
Still, shouldn’t they get cancer on their hands instead? That’s the closest body part to your phone at any time on average, isn’t it?
Ich hab mich durch den Mist gezogen und hier ist ein tl;dr:
Yeah, take everything German news agencies have to say about topics involving Israel with grains of salt. A shitton of independent left-wing German news agencies are pro-Israel. Those that aren’t are usually full on tankie, pro-Russia and everything for some fucking reason.
Soweit ich nach 5 Minuten Wikipedialesen weiß, wird die Änderung gespeichert.
Laut §13:
(1) Sind Geschlechtsangabe und Vornamen einer Person nach § 2 geändert worden, so dürfen die bis zur Änderung eingetragene Geschlechtsangabe und die bis zur Änderung eingetragenen Vornamen ohne Zustimmung dieser Person nicht offenbart oder ausgeforscht werden. Satz 1 gilt nicht, wenn
- amtliche Register oder amtliche Informationssysteme personenbezogene Daten zu dieser Person enthalten und im Rahmen der jeweiligen Aufgabenerfüllung von öffentlichen Stellen die Verarbeitung von Daten nach Satz 1 nach anderen Rechtsvorschriften erforderlich ist,
- besondere Gründe des öffentlichen Interesses eine Offenbarung der Daten nach Satz 1 erfordern oder
- ein rechtliches Interesse an den Daten nach Satz 1 glaubhaft gemacht wird.
Für mich liest sich das wie: “Wir speichern ALLES”, aber ich bin kein Anwalt.
Können sie das theoretisch rückgängig machen? Sprich sämtliche Namens-/ und Geschlechtsänderungen für ungültig erklären?
These suggestion all sound quite bland and corporate though. GIMP isn’t a great name but better than all of those in my opinion.
A better change should be more like Minetest becoming Luanti. Here is what ChatGPT came up with instead:
These are horrible compared to Luanti.
And an archive would be doing exactly that: Distributing copyrighted materials.
Moving to Europe is not necessarily a great idea depending on the country they choose. US copyright law is comparatively lenient to some European countries, who can be said to be (much more) controlled by publishers when it comes to copyright.
Depebding on the country, Europe has significantly worse copyright law than the US, to the extent that archiving a web page is illegal.
Fun fact:
In Germany you have to pay a special tax for anything that could be used to violate copyright. It ranges from 0.10€ for USB sticks to 90€ for faster printers to 14,000,000€ for opening up a public library - all going to a bunch of publisher organizations.
I wish it polled for each possible position:
Don’t worry, the youth will only become further right-wing.
Here’s the result of a local German state election from September. It displays the results for people aged 18-24, divided into male (light) and female (dark). AfD is openly fascist. No other age group voted for them as much. Getting 46% in a system with proportional representation is basically unheard of by the way.
I very much suspect this trend will continue.
Why then do countries with existing left parties and proportional representation elect further and further right-wing parties in Europe?
It’s simple: They promise easy solutions for complicated problems. Banning immigration will fix all crime and the economy, opposing LGBTQ+ rights will ensure a return of the better olden days, climate change is nothing to be worried about etc etc
And even people depending on social support will gladly shoot themselves in their feet if it means someone else will have it worse.
Hey baby… wanna watch Jellyfin and dismantle the patriarchy?
For me 10 people are usually in line :(
Although it still doesn’t take longer than like 15 minutes
But that would be worse?
The solution to women being treated unfairly is not to start treating men unfairly too. It’s to treat women fairly.
Couldn’t you tell? It’s clearly a furry cat.
Four panels
Person laying horizontally in last panel
This is loss
Dead Pixels aren’t always covered by warranty by the way.
This is why you should only purchase expensive shit online if you live in a country with a mandatory 14 day no-questions-asked return window for online purchases.
Fair enough, I’m far from an expert when it comes to working with these tools.
Sahen Sie noch nie der Wolken edles Weiß?