• CubitOom
    77 months ago

    Also, with gitea the table of contents for org files are properly rendered in HTML as it should be. As someone that uses org-mode this is a reason to avoid gitlab.

    But for most people I’d say the less resources that gitea requires means you save on compute and ultimately is cheaper to host.

    I’ve been running my own gitea server on kubernetes and with istio for over 3 years with no issues.

    • NeshuraA
      7 months ago

      I have honestly no idea what the GitLab devs did but their service is such an incredible memory hog it’s insane. Obviously GitLab has a pages service tacked onto it but my GitLab instance (mostly legacy but a friend still uses it so it keeps chugging along) eats a whole 5GB of RAM while my Forgejo Instance only uses 200MB. I have no idea where all of that memory is going because it sure as hell isn’t going into responsitivity. I’ve no idea if I configured something wrong or if it’s GitLab pages but it’s still excessive

      • poVoq
        17 months ago

        Its mostly the default settings of Gitlab being complete overkill for self-hosters. You can cut the requirements down to 25% of the default if you don’t use the installer or the default docker compose.

        However Gitlab is written in Ruby, while Gitea is written in Golang, so there is definitely some advantage there for Gitea.