
Just some IT guy

  • 41 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • The Eminence in Shadow Volume 6 Honestly not much to say here, if you liked the story up to this point you’ll love this as it’s just more of the good stuff. We also get more glimpses into the Cult vs Shadow Garden allegiances forming in the Midgard kingdom and hints at an upcoming country scale conflict in which Cid will surely be yet again an unassuming background character.

    Also we get to see more of Akane who might just be the first non Shadow Garden member to figure out the link between Cid and Shadow. She’s pretty close to getting there since she’s almost linked shadow to his Japanese identity.

  • Und noch ne Salami Scheibe… Ich bin mir dessen bewusst, dass Eskalation möglichst vermieden werden sollte aber es gibt auch das Konzept einer Selbstverteidigung. Russland führt, de facto, Krieg gegen uns und das mittlerweile nicht mal mehr nur digital sondern auch sehr real wie an diesen ganzen Sabotagefällen zu sehen.

    Man muss ja nicht gleich in Russland einmarschieren aber irgendwo sollte doch mal ein klares Zeichen gesetzt werden ala “Das Maß ist voll, keinen Schritt weiter sonst kracht es gewaltig” indem man z.B. alle Schiffe die nicht der Nato angehören von Kriegsschiffen begleiten lässt sobald sie die Ostsee betreten. Oder noch besser Schiffen mit hohem Sabotagepotential (welche Schiffe zur Schattenflotte gehören ist ja durchaus bekannt) einfach die Durchfahrt in Dänemark verwehren.

  • How about instead of the very obviously paid for (in one was or another) ‘professional’ critic scores you look at the user scores? Because very apparently the players have a very clear opinion about whether or not the game is good (also reflected in sales numbers).

    Now I haven’t played the game and I never had any intention to, I also haven’t played any other Dragon Age game but from the player reviews I’ve seen the game:

    • deviated too much from previous Dragon Age themes, in the process (allegedly) massively disrespecting characters
    • had highly repetetive gameplay
    • too limited player choices (often critizised: no way to kill/kick out companions up until the very final unlike how in bg3 you can just flat out kill your potential companions if you so wish to)
    • incompetent (ally) AI masked by invulnerability and high HP pools (plenty of video proof here) -and as the cherry on top: a very thorough venture into gender politics implying that said politics were more deserving of dev time than the above issues

  • Regarding their next ‘actual’ rank I still think they would evaluate a bit lower than where Alexandria should be simply because Rozemyne’s library strategy will take some time to take effect but once it does they could feasibly reach #1 and stay there. Alexandria as is simply is not focusing on anything that produces immediate tangible “duchy points” so to speak. Education and knowledge are abstract concepts that seemingly don’t influence the rankings nearly as much as hard achievements do. Though the latter is just a consequence of the former.

    Not that anyone will complain about the Divine Avatar not dominating the rankings, which will just be another behind the scenes factor. Rozemyne very clearly can’t be bothered about her duchy’s rank and I imagine Ferdinand would like to avoid the hassle that comes with it as well for a good while. Up until some fool mocks his wife or their adoptive daughter for it, then the gloves come off, in the latter case whoever did it better run because they’re in for a divine crushing.

  • The key problem why “Runs on SteamDeck” exists is not the raw power of the SteamDeck (or lack thereof) but the compatibility with Linux. Unless someone decides to utterly cripple a handheld for the sake of battery efficiency any game labeled with SteamDeck support will also run on any other handheld running SteamOS.

    The problem with the SteamMachines ultimately was the lack of game support. The hardware confusion was just the cherry on top. You could even argue that the lack of supported games back then meant a limited number of customers would be interested which in turn led to companies releasing underpowered hardware. By that logic one can even claim the failure of SteamMachines is entirely down to the piss poor Linux support then.

  • I cannot for the life of me imagine this launching with any significant amount of content. Pretty much all the good stuff is already licensed to English publishers and getting a license for digital redistribution under a subscription model is not likely to look like a very good deal to most of them.

    I still hope this turns out decent because more legal options are always appreciated but I fear they might just try to Sony-monopoly their way into a successful platform here.

  • well .ml is special, most probaboy don’t have a problem there but if you do you really do (ask me why the anime community on is practically dead)

    .world is just suffering from success, they regularly have federation troubles with other instances because they are by far the largest one and hence run into scaling troubles. Other than that it’s the most reddit like moderation wise also due to being so big. It’s courtesy to steer people away from .world simply to prevent the scaling problems from getting worse