• @BrokenRefrigerator
    61 year ago

    Watching our gremlin steamroll the woefully unprepared prince was a treat for sure. I audibly gasped when I realized what was only part one of the negotiations.

  • NeshuraOPMA
    51 year ago

    I love how Rozemyne just traumatized Siggy, no way this man expected such a smack down in the pre-negotiation round lol. His reaction to the library does remind me though that outside of Ehrenfest books are expensive because they can’t simply be mass produced.

    • @Ludrol@szmer.info
      21 year ago

      It looks like from perspective of prince Roz trades freely with mana that he considers super valuable to have and inflates it’s value due to tradition but for Roz books are more valuable than mana and also cheap due to printing revolution.

      So we have a conflict

      Rozmyne Sigiswald
      Books Desirable but cheap Very expensive
      Mana Abundant Reliant but expensive
      • NeshuraOPMA
        21 year ago

        I am so interested to see the absolute whiplash the royals will feel once they realise that Ferdinand wasn’t inventing squat when it comes to these revolutionary ideas. All Rozemyne herself and now she has even fewer brakes to slow her down.

      • @ludrolMA
        1 year ago

        deleted by creator

    • Deemo
      21 year ago

      “Am I truly going to marry this girl…?”

      Rip Siggy

    • @Yuki2501
      21 year ago

      I think that in the end, the library thing might have saved Rozemyne. By making it her most serious personal condition, royals can still deny it and save face as “the ones with authority”, while still accepting the conditions for Ehrenfest, as those are minor things that can be easily done.

      Let’s see how things unfold.

      • @toxicella
        21 year ago

        Seems a little foolhardy though, to antagonize her even just a little bit by denying her a book room. Maybe a compromise would be better? Like only an equal book room to Ferdinand’s, or a book room that’s only half full.

      • NeshuraOPMA
        11 year ago

        That is actually a good idea, though I highly doubt Rozemyne had that in mind when demanding the library

        • @Yuki2501
          21 year ago

          She rarely does 😅

  • @cocobean@sh.itjust.works
    51 year ago

    Poor Sigi didn’t know what he was going up against…

    So we’re going to be doing a Dedication Ritual at the Royal Academy. Where there is currently a magic circle in the sky. Yes, I’m sure that will go as planned.

    If Roz ends up getting the Gesundheit in front of all the aubs, will the Royal Family think they tricked her? 😨

    • @Yuki2501
      51 year ago

      Rozemyne: Can I speak freely without getting executed?

      Sigi: Yes, you may.

      Myne-Oh: Good.

      Sigi: Wait, why did your eyes and hair change? What are you doing with those cards?

      Myne-Oh: I activate pot of greed!

    • @toxicella
      1 year ago

      Probably not? Like in the Starbinding, Anastasius might be expecting something weird to happen again and tell the rest of them to expect the same. Even if they don’t know what that is, I assume they’ll be prepared to act like they know and spin it their way.

      • @BenignLarency
        31 year ago

        Or not expecting something weird to happen because they’re already seen a dedication ritual with her.

    • @15Redstones@feddit.de
      31 year ago

      They already know that using mana on the stage makes the circle show up. Everyone saw that during the wedding and assumed it was for Sigiswald. This time royals won’t be present, so if it shows up again, everyone will know it lights for Rozemyne (and probably wasn’t for Sigiswald during the wedding).

    • Deemo
      21 year ago

      I do wonder how much of the royal family even considers Roz smart and how much childish/easily manipulatable.

      I recall in the past they thought Ferdi was pulling the strings and also Eggi looked at her as a child when trying to get her to take up the Gbook.

  • @bacondragonoverlord@feddit.de
    51 year ago

    Myne just wiped the floor with Sigi. Understandable since she learned from the best.

    Honestly the thing I am anticipating the most rn is how and what Winfried fucked up. Since I am pretty sure he did something bad while they’re at the AC but I don’t know what and how bad it will be.

    Can’t wait for the next part!

    • NeshuraOPMA
      21 year ago

      I would be more surprised if Wilfried didn’t fuck up somehow while this entire ordeal went on. Well at least he got his whosh granted: Rozemyne is no longer sabotaging their marriage becaise that one just got voided by royal decree

  • @poltroon
    41 year ago

    I loved how Sigiswald walked into that discussion with a “here I am your handsome prince” aura and at the end was just sort of begging to get out of there, he was so overwhelmed.

    Benno is such a good teacher.

    So many laugh out loud moments, including the part where he remarks, “Now I understand Eherenfest’s sudden rise…”

    • NeshuraOPMA
      21 year ago

      The dude just got completely blindsided, not even Anastasius has seen this side of Rozemyne to warn him beforehand. Even then he probably would have dismissed any comments about her as exageration, no way a little girl could be so ruthless.

      • @poltroon
        31 year ago

        “I’m going to be the king of this country and I just got bested by a little girl, that can’t be right. Obviously that must not have happened.”

        But it’s interesting that he thinks, “Wait, do I really want to marry this girl?” instead of “Holy crap, I need this girl bound to me in the royal family working this magic for me!”

  • @eric@lemmy.world
    31 year ago

    This whole volume has really thrown me for a loop with how much it is mixing things up! It was so cool to see Rozemyne negotiating for everything she can wring out of the royal family and how much Sigiswald was thrown off guard by her.

    A lot of people theorized last week about whether the passageway she was denied entry to for not being a royal was somehow not the original method for obtaining the Grutrissheit and was added later. It would make sense that since the shrines at the RA surround the central building that she would have to do something on the stage and I wonder if that’s what will end up happening at the Dedication Ritual.

    My wife is about one volume behind right now and I keep telling her to catch up because the story is getting so good! It takes all my willpower to avoid going the MTL route.

    • NeshuraOPMA
      21 year ago

      I succumbed to the MTL last week. It costs some Braincells (fewer if you get CyberGlitterhoof’s version) but imo does not detract from the enjoyment of Pre-Pub (thank you quof). It will make it even harder to not spoiler your wife though

      • @Ludrol@szmer.info
        31 year ago

        oh no. we won’t get the u/quof comments here. Theirs explanations of translation choices here and there were nice.

        • NeshuraOPMA
          31 year ago

          I’ll see what I can do within reddit’s new API restrictions to get potential quof comments and mirror them here.

  • @Ludrol@szmer.info
    31 year ago

    Hildebrand is plotting something, and it isn’t anything good for our protagonist. Rozmyne made all of yogurtland a pen with livestock just to harvest mana from nobles. We still don’t know what will happen to Ferdinand, but at least Rozmyne put forth a conditions to secure his safety. And in classical Rozmyne fashion she demands a Library grater than all the others she had had.

    Truly she have put Sigiswald throught the magle to get what she wanted in true merchant fashion.

    • @15Redstones@feddit.de
      31 year ago

      Once Hildebrand finds out about the adoption and engagement, he might plot to make book addicted Dunkelfelger demand that Rozemyne should be given the throne as the true Zent and she should marry someone who loves her instead of becoming a third wife in a purely political marriage. There’s two years between adoption/book acquisition and the marriage.

      Obviously he’d be pretty heartbroken when the plot works, she marries Ferdinand and arranges for Hildebrand to be sent to Ehrenfest as first husband of Aub Charlotte.

    • NeshuraOPMA
      11 year ago

      I almost pity the poor guy, Rozemyne really slapped some demands in his face he wasn’t imagining in his wildest dreams.

      On the other hand we see another glimpse of royal arrogance so I can’t feel too sorry