• NeshuraA
    557 months ago

    Most Publishers in any Industry are a cancer on society. Cramming DRM in where they can while scalping both customers and creators whilst gaslighting both into believing continuing to shovel money to their overpriced services is in their best interest.

    • haui
      157 months ago

      The worst development of all has been the „buy but dont own“ model. If I buy anything, I own it. It’s symple, reliable and permanent. Obviously, if I own something, I can sell it. If someone owns a video game, music or a movie, they can sell it. This perverted idea of being able to tell a customer what to do with their bought stuff needs to go.

    • Fedora
      7 months ago

      Man, that’d be horrible! Imagine people could exercise their rights. Thank God we live in a world of zero digital ownership with anti DRM circumvention laws to strip everyone from rights copyright laws are supposed to grant. We can sue anyone that scans books and lends them out 1:1 as that’s untransformative and unfair use. But hey, it’s a free market! Let’s offer them e-books with DRM for $15 that libraries can only lend out 15 times, 20 hours total read time or three months after purchase, whichever comes first, and then jack up the price to $30 when they’re locked into the ecosystem. Sounds like a fair deal to me! Not like they have an alternative.

      • NeshuraA
        7 months ago

        I say most because if there is even a single one doing what they are supposed to do then saying “all” would be wrong and I am aware of at least one offering drm free ebooks (unless you consider an embedded username in the epub file drm) at reasonable prices while (as far as I am aware) not fucking over the authors