I was under the impression that Privacy Badger wasn’t considered useful any more . . . ? They should’ve just recommended using Firefox instead, yes?
EDIT: They spoke to, but IMHO, did not give enough time to, Cory Doctorow and Brewster Kahle. They mentioned Mastodon 👍, and described the Fediverse while not actually calling it that! A bit frustrating.
If you are geoblocked you can stream it with https://ga.pbs-video.pbs.org/videos/nova/de12ed2c-17e6-4434-a430-7f80c26a6002/2000426341/hd-16x9-mezzanine-1080p/nova5107-AABR-AVC_793.m3u8 with mpv
See also: this thread on Mastodon https://octodon.social/@cwebber/112451933593063510