• Drivebyhaiku@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    When I was in high school we had this whole chant about babies and trash compactors and other edgy shit we thought was the funniest thing. Crazily enough… none of us ever harmed a kid and if anyone would have actually put a baby in harms way where we could see we would have been traumatized.

    Ease off the pearls there. A lot of Queer folks make fun of the rhetoric that Conservatives sling around about being bogeymen after kids , particularly during Pride. A rowdy bunch of party people probably high as kites being dumb and edgy isn’t news in most places. Treating the matter as though every single one of us has to be paragons of proper behaviour without exception every moment isn’t exactly a bar any group of people is going to meet. Moreover why should everyone have to be subject to group punishment for an individual’s transgression? If a boss punished everyone at your workplace because one person came in late how would you react?

    A lot of the sentiments inside the community are that it doesn’t matter how often we treat everything seriously, speak eloquently or point to actual studies and literature about how we’re just people who are underserved by beaurcratic structures, children are not harmed by association and we are not monsters… All it takes is a couple of people being silly once and suddenly every nasty bigoted fear is confirmed beyond shadow of a doubt… So why bother? It’s an impossible standard.