Multiplayer MOBA game. I feel like this is an important distinction for most of us.
Oh that’s a shame. Back to waiting for Half-Life 3 then.
FPS MOBA, which makes a bit more unique over the typical overhead view.
Having played it, I got no clue what Im doing, having not played MOBAs before. Enemies are bullet sponges too.
Third person shooter. It’s not an FPS.
Fthird person shooter
Yeah sorry, forgot it was third person.
Close enough.
I don’t think anybody says TPS as an acronym though.
No. They say shooter, or cover shooter, or type out 3rd person shooter.
Calling third person shooters FPSes is like calling rogue lites rogue likes. I don’t really care even if it is technically slightly inaccurate.
Good for you.
Have you ever heard of Smite?
Remember Battleborn? FPS MOBA from Gearbox that came out in like… 2018 or thereabouts. Never got off the ground and got completely shuttered in like, a year, iirc
Never bothered playing that. Didn’t even sound enticing.
Yep. I was in the primary market for it back then, and even I was like, meh.
Sounds burning, but I guess it’s because I’m not a moba person.
I’m not really a MOBA person either but I’m really getting into it. Idk, something about the Overwatch type vibes really drags me in.
Enemies are bullet sponges too.
That’s kind of intentional and part of the design of MOBAs.
In the early game, this makes it difficult to get kills unless the enemy makes a mistake. You want players to have to choose between spending their time harassing their opposing player or farming minions.
Later on, the bullet sponge effect makes for longer, more interesting fights. That can end up, being not the case, though, if the economy is too one-sided. That’s another reason for the bullet sponge design - to make the economy more important. That’s how many souls you collect. Buying more means you’re stronger with items and the fights are more in your favor.
So, essentially, the bullet sponge amplifies the more interesting/complex elements of the game. They wouldn’t really be possible if you could just one-hit your opponent from base level.
Yup, don’t care about it. Not my type of game. Also a genre with too many games as it is for the genre to really support, IMO.
It will have to be nearly perfect to pull people from other similar games. It needs to fix the issues the others have, at launch, or it will be dead on arrival.
Eh, there was definitely a couple years where the market was flooded, but at this point there really aren’t any notable games in the genre other than League, Dota, and Smite. Deadlock being a third person game puts it in direct competition with Smite, though it’s also got more shooter DNA, which is aiming to bring in the overwatch
crowdrefugees. And at least IMO it already feels better than Smite, or any of the other abortive attempts at a third person moba over the years.
I really hope they add some ctf and koh modes in the future. I think it would add some fun variety to the game.
Been really enjoying this, much more than I ever liked Smite. They have a ton of great ability and item designs from Dota to draw on, but it’s significantly more approachable. I really like how the last hitting and denying works. The balance is still getting dialed in but I’m having a good time while it does.
The absence of last hitting and denying is why I loved Heroes of the Storm.
I really like how deadlock does it; you just have to hit the creep with player damage in the last few seconds of its life, and then your whole lane gets the reward, which can’t be denied. But it also generates a little orb that can be secured by either team; if no one pops it, it automatically goes to the killing team. It has the HOTS thing where farm gets shared pretty much evenly among everyone in the lane, but there’s still enough gameplay to the creep killing that it’s engaging, instead of just standing in lane passively and getting XP for it.
I was excited until I saw multiplayer MOBA. Hard pass.
Third person though. Maybe that makes a difference.
Dota is third person too
No, it’s isometric
No, it’s top down. Isometric specifically refers to a parallel projection
That’s not a number. If you have an alternative to third person, phrase it as a number.
Stop being purposefully obtuse.
Sure thing, I will be 100% direct:
Deadlock is third person (over the shoulder). Dota is third person (3D rendered top-down). These two forms of camera are named after the literary convention of third person narration in literature. Literary third person, like gaming third person, comes in a variety of forms, typically characterised by the level of omniscience of the narrator. You and WereCat are using third person as a shorthand for over the shoulder because you have poor critical thinking skills and prefer to mindlessly repeat the words you’ve heard other use. Other people typically use third person in video games to refer to shooters, contrasting it with first person. There are no isometric shooters, unless you count bullet hells. While isometric games are also third person, people typically choose the shorter name of isometric when applicable for convenience. The Wernicke’s area of your brain has therefore decided that isometric games are not third person, because it works on correlations, not on logic. You neglected to use your conscious powers of logic to question your assumptions, because you’re lazy.
sir this is a wendys
Holy shit. You are hilarious. I know that isometric games are third person, but no one refers to them like that. You obviously knew what Werecat meant, but we’re deliberately acting like they were stupid for using the common and accepted way to differentiate between isometric and third person games. I suggest you look into ways to get over your ego, because if you are anything like this in your day to day life I feel very sorry for those who have to interact with you.
My friend sent me an invite last week. I dont know, it wasnt for me. Maybe a little later down the line?
Yeah my excitement died immediately.
Any chance you’d be willing to send me an invite?
If play or want to play, check out: !
I had 0 luck running it on Linux so far :(
Game has potential, kinda plays like onslaught from unreal mixed heavily with overwatch and dota. But in the current state it’s not great.
I have played it. For me, to many options (but that’s the MOBA part). I would like to see a game mode without all those options and just be hero shooter.
Why not make halflife 3 and update tf2
The big problem I’ve seen with it so far is that bots on your own team won’t push the objectives and there’s no easy way to direct them. I had a match that lasted almost an hour with no end in sight because both sides of bots were pushing then retreating constantly. It was just a giant tug of war. Now I’m sure it’s much different in real matches, but I prefer warming up with bots.
I wish it has more element like CnC Renegade or Battlefield. This is quite an interesting game experiment