Niconico・AniPAFE | UPD: YouTube
I’ll quote the review of this video a bit:
I thought it was a wonderful crazy movie (MAD) in which the emotions of the characters flow into me. The colors are well-crafted, the visuals are so good that they can be revisited over and over again, and the music is refreshingly good rock music, and I really like it.
Officially no, but someone reuploaded it: YT.
Both Catbox and Niconico don’t work?
niconico refused to open in firefox mobile. catbox stopped loading after couple of seconds.
That’s good (or at least not that bad). On mobile I always see infinite loading on youtube, catbox, niconico or errors, if I use Orbot or some proxy, independently of browser. I am glad that at least on desktop sometimes it’s working fine.
I should ask just in case, are webms shown fine?
Do you have a link so I can test it?
I meant posted videos:
Yeah. This one works OK.
Thank you.