If you think a game should be higher or lower in ranking, then upvote or downvote it. If you don’t see a game on the list that you think should be on the list then create a top level reply with the name and system.
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike - Arcade
A timeless masterpiece of 2D fighting with beautiful sprite work and a banger soundtrack. Other fighting games come and go, but we still play this one online and in tournaments 25 years later.
Bubble Bobble, Arcade, 1986
Great, now I’ll have the music from this game stuck in my head all day
Unreal Tournament
Street fighter 2 - hyper fighting edition (arcade).
Played this every day after school for years as did a huge portion of my school.
Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee (PS1)
So many games that I even upvoted that are still absolutely amazing haven’t really aged perfectly control- or gameplay-wise, but Oddworld could be released today and it would still be perfect.
Freelancer, PC
A great pick, but it’s not 25yo yet, tho
Pokémon Crystal is just shy of your 25 year threshold depending on what month it was released (it came out in 2000 in Japan), so I’ll say Pokémon Yellow or Pokémon Gold and Silver. We can sit here and nitpick about which is the best, but Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, and Crystal were all amazing.
I’d lean in favor of Gen 2 being better, but it’s definitely a tough call whether the original or the first refinement is better.
Its really about whether GS are better than Yellow, GS are definitely better than RB. Anyone saying RB is better than any of the other GB ones is saying it for nostalgia.
Yellow is pretty bad honestly, it’s just the novelty of being a bit more like the anime. The pokemon you can catch and what’s available for early gyms are both poor.
That’s fair. To be honest, I never played it as a kid, so I don’t really know what’s there. I guess I always thought you could catch everything in it. I know you can get all the starters. I know in later “third games” you can’t catch everything (or in some like Platinum they added some).
Edit: One day I’ll learn to not type “okay” instead of “play” lmao
I am very sad that I’ve scrolled several pages and haven’t seen the obvious one (though I could just be blind):
Deus Ex.
Edit: or perhaps it’s because Deus Ex is from 2000 and I don’t know if it counts yet. Maybe I’ll wait 'til next year!
June 22nd
Perfect Dark, N64
An incredible port, plays amazing on mouse and keyboard.
I still can’t find the pair off socks it knocked off.
Thief (1998)
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Mega Drive
My first game ever… good times
Metal Great Solid
Wipeout 2097 (Wipeout XL), PSX, 1996