May I offer:
UKFilmNerd’s Blog: The musings of a film nerd.
Slight confession, since October, I’ve only written one review due to life/work issues but hopefully in a few weeks this will change.
When everything is optimal, I usual put out three to four reviews every two weeks.
(This is because I’m in a hotel 7 days in a row for work. What else am I going to do! 😆)
Don’t be afraid to nose around the site, there’s years worth of content. You could even see how well writing improves/gets worse (delete as applicable 😂) over the years.
I don’t know if any specific blogs that still operate in that sort of space, but I will say I’ve had luck with finding folks on letterboxd who put care and thought into their reviews. Admittedly, you still have to sort through a lot of "this was good! I liked it!"to find those reviewers, but it’s not impossible. My starting spot was looking up the hosts of some of the movie podcasts I listen to (shout out to Blank Check and Eye of the Duck) and then seeing who they interact with on the platform, checking those folks out, and so on.
Thank your for the suggestion!
I occasionally read Mike McGranaghan’s The Aisle Seat and Dan Chilton’s Dan Says its Alright.
And if I may be so bold, I’d like to offer up my own, Take 'Em to the Movies, Austin!. I aim to get up at least one review a week, along with the occasional list.
Thanks for sharing!
Drew McWeeny who used to write for HitFix and AICN has a substack called Formerly Dangerous that’s pretty good. Otherwise these days I tend to just use reddit/facebook groups and letterboxd.