Russia has been bombarded in the biggest Ukrainian drone attack of the war, Moscow officials have said, on the same day as crunch talks are set to be held between Kyiv and the United States.
The Russian Defence Ministry said air defences shot down 337 Ukrainian drones over 10 Russian regions overnight, a record high, as Ukraine hit back at a series of brutal recent attacks launched by Moscow.
At least one Russian civilian has been killed and several injured, with dramatic footage showing fires raging from the exploding drones including in high rise residential buildings near Moscow.
This is a stupid escalation. If Russia so wished, they could level Kyiv overnight, they have more than enough weapons to do it.
Now, that would be the kind of shit liberals pretend Russia is already doing, just carpet bombing the entire area willy nilly (because they think what the fascist US does is what everyone does), but it’s not been the strategy, given that Russia doesn’t want to make a lifelong enemy of the Ukrainian people and it would make the peace talks that Russia hasn’t taken off the table from day one all but impossible.
The only reason this is happening is because Zelensky knows what awaits him specifically as soon as the war is done, he’ll get hung out to dry for all the war crimes the US commissioned in the first place.
AKA the “Jeffrey Dahmer could have been worse” argument lol
Relevant SMBC:
I swear to god libs are incapable of conceiving more than 5 people in their head at any time, always with the reductive analogies, and it’s always a rapist or a serial killer or both. Grow the fuck up.
how boring of a shill do you have to be to want to try and cast Russia as a hero at any point in the past 100 years, let alone in the past 11?
what a disgusting asshole writing complete fiction.
Regardless of your opinion on the current war, the Soviet Union was by and large one of the best countries in the 20th century, from siding with Palestine, Cuba, China, etc to defeating the Nazis to making dramatic strides for the working class. Of all the major world powers, the Soviet Union was definitely the most able to be considered heroic.
“Other than that, how was the play?”
If you can explain where the Soviet Union still exists I’d love to know, but to my knowledge it dissolved in the early 90s and thus isn’t a participent.
Well that’s a completely deranged take but okay.
The only deranged thing here is your comment.
I think that’s a low effort cheap shot but because there’s sympathetic dogpiling voting patterns you get to evade criticism for doing the same thing.
You’re welcome child.
How so?
No facts, no thoughts, just thinking Hollywood propaganda films are as good as reading a book lmao
Great point, Holodomor was fabricated by Hollywood on the same fake sets as the moon landing. There’s literally no reasonable good faith charitable interpretation that could possibility be referencing a legitimate criticism. This elevates the quality of communication and is an indication of good faith participation in conversations sincerely directed at cultivating shared understanding.
Close, it was invented by literal Nazis and spread by Hollywood and William Randolph Hearst and revived during the 80s by spurious studies done by Harvard in service of rekindling the cold war.
I know I should know better than expecting libs to ever read anything other than YA fiction but here it goes anyway. Plenty of citations, very concise.
Also, for how much libs rag on about bots you’d think y’all would stop writing like you’re getting paid by the word. Talk like normal people, five dollar words do you no good when you flail them around to hide your cookie cutter views. Only children and redditors think more bigger words=smarter.
i don’t think you realize how big cities are. that’s a lot of bombs.
and why would they destroy the thing that they are trying to win? how would that make sense
Ask the media that’s been screeching about a “full scale invasion” since 2022
Winnie the Pooh loves honey too!
America nuked Japan twice and they ended up pretty good friends. If Russia could, they would. They don’t want to get pants’ed on the world stage.
You want to make a lifelong enemy? Renege on 20 peace deals since 2014.
The peace deals that Ukraine kept violating from day one (probably by order of the US, given that Israel does the same shit of calling it a ceasefire and insisting only the others actually cease firing). There’s videos of Zelensky going to Azov and telling them to abide by the peace deals and them laughing in his fucking face.
Here: from a fucking hErOiC and uNbiASed source.
I thought the concept of lebensraum was violently debunked nearly 80 years ago but apparently some people didn’t get the memo. Sounds like most of you skipped the lesson on how appeasement turns out too.
Sovereign state #1 ⚔️
Sovereign state #2 🛡
Its pretty morally clear cut when you use your own brain to think about it.
Yes, a lot of different states get involved in an international conflicts. Its not pretty or squeaky clean, that’s how war works. If you didn’t want that then you should have opposed the decades of aggression from Putin’s Russia, it’s a bit late to get your hackles up now.
But you do you man, you can whatabout and bothsides all the way to the firing squad. I’ll be rooting for your gold medal in the mental gymnastics event.
Don’t call someone stupid when you can’t even put together a coherent thought
Learning a few German words and pretending everyone’s a nazi except for the people who hired every Nazi they could find isn’t a substitute for actually reading history and understanding current politics.
There’s not a single serious analyst claiming Russia is pursuing this war in the interest of land, they have the largest landmass in all of Eurasia, you fucking clown. This war started because of the US coup, states seceded because they didn’t recognize their Washington appointed government as legitimate.
Lmao. Tough talk coming from armchair generals as per usual when they’re not busy clutching pearls that the Ukraine military got absolutely dogwalked. Have fun with your oncoming cost of living crisis once the line stops going up because you were too busy frothing at the mouth at whomever the state department pointed you to. Be careful not to get a cold, might end up an indentured servant sooner than that.