EPS: -0.01

DRS Numbers:

As of November 30, 2023, there were approximately 305,514,315 shares of our Class A common stock outstanding. Of those outstanding shares, approximately 230.1 million were held by Cede & Co on behalf of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (or approximately 75% of our outstanding shares) and approximately 75.4 million shares of our Class A common stock were held by registered holders with our transfer agent (or approximately 25% of our outstanding shares) as of November 30, 2023.

Steady DRS numbers. Beat expectations on EPS, trending towards positive. Great results!

What do you all think?

    157 months ago

    approximately 75.4 million shares of our Class A common stock were held by registered holders

    Nobody is selling –– another quarter of diamond hands. 💎👊

    • @Chives@lemmy.whynotdrs.orgOPM
      147 months ago

      It is fantastic. :)

      I predicted -0.09 last week in a different thread and would have been thrilled with that - so I’m over the moon with this!

      • jersan
        117 months ago

        i share this feeling. the earnings results today were very good. last week i called this a “good outcome” but i’ve changed my mind. it’s very good 🙂

        I think it is indisputable: the standing and performance of the company is improving under Ryan Cohen’s leadership.

    • NeshuraA
      107 months ago

      Q2 and Q3 this year have been comparatively phenomenal. In the years up to now GameStop had massive losses in both Quarters, now they are almost profitable in them. If Q4 is profitable we might even see the first financial year without loss since what feels like forever.

    77 months ago

    I was hoping for a profit this quarter that would surprise everyone. Shame it didn’t happen, but I believe we will have a profitable year with Q4. Barely any losses in Q2 and Q3 is incredible.