Ha! I wish.
You people still get into arguments online? Discussions, sure… but arguments? o.O
I’m sorry, but that does not really fit the definition of healthy. I will accept the down votes graciously.
Yeah, that was a bit too much. It’s good to keep it nice but colorful language is called that for a reason, life is more beautiful with color.
If the walls could speak though…
This is a holy shitpost, I’m actually annoyed. Good job!
But we do have information, and knowledge is power. Money is an intermediary.
Literally all of them except size of military.
Couldn’t have said it better.
This means they don’t really process the world around them. They see and live in it, but don’t feel it. It’s a sensitivity/intelligence thing. Must be a lovely life, it’s much easier. Every rose has its thorns.
Putting on big muscles is for the boys, real girls don’t actually like it.
It’s a good start. It’s where everyone starts I think. Even trans people themselves first need to do a lot of soul searching and/or therapy in order to understand what they feel and why. It’s even harder for people on the outside to comprehend.
I see literally nothing wrong with this parents response; wanting your child to check all the boxes before making a life changing decision is good parenting.
One could always nitpick tone, but perfection is the enemy of good enough.
How does one rehabilitate another with a crowbar?
Ah cool hang on, just let me get some snacks and a drink before we get in to it.