Dream date.
I don’t like Nazis as much as the next guy, but given a choice between beating up Nazis and getting laid, I think I’d prefer to get laid. Ya know, the whole “Make love not war” philosophy.
What if either of you REALLY get off on violence against racist groups?
I don’t see why we can’t do both
Definitely. This is the foreplay.
Smash>hump>smash>hump etc.
Nazi or not there’s no shot I’d be able to kill people with a crowbar unless they are also actively trying to kill me
Well, if you are a minority, they are.
I am and you know exactly what i meant.
You meant that you’re more comfortable being killed by a Nazi in a government office signing some paperwork than being killed by a Nazi who uses their own two hands.
Drag doesn’t really understand that kind of mindset. Dead is dead. Danger is danger. And treating danger less seriously because it wears a suit and tie will get us all killed.
It clearly doesn’t matter what I meant because you insane idiots will just invent things and pin them on me to strawman your stupid arguments.
If you can take a crowbar and kill someone with it, when you’re not in immediate mortal danger, you are a danger to society.
That take is pushing on a marginal understanding of that person’s position.
It is easy to understand they would not engage in violent action unless forced to do so in a life or death situation. And that is understandable. Implies the person has a conscience.
Unlike the extremists currently trying to overtake the world.
It may lead to the point where we will have to resort to force to end that trend but it does not mean we have to do it gladly.
We should take joy in our survival. When the lion kills an antelope, it feels the thrill of the hunt. It enjoys the taste of the meat. Killing is a horrible wrong and meat shouldn’t be eaten. But the lion doesn’t have a choice. There are no vegan lions. And if the lion must eat meat, then it should enjoy eating meat. Evolution made it enjoy eating meat so it would have an easier time surviving.
We should do everything we can to make our survival easier. Like the lion, we should learn to find joy in living another day. Like the lion, we don’t have a choice on whether to use violence. There is no time for us to have empathy for our murderers. We should meditate on these feelings until we’ve overcome them.
That is a complete false equivalence.
The rethoric you employed can be easily used to uphold the cause you are very poorly trying to denounce.
We are not lions. Unlike lions, we can, to a degree, foresee the outcome of our choices and actions. That comes with the notion that every choice has a consequence.
The times we are currently enduring are the consequence of passively allowing ideas that were actively destroyed, by force, in our recent past, to gain traction again.
The millions of lives lost in war will be wasted, both of victims and soldiers, if we allow ourselves to fall into that path again, something which is looming, but to engage in the same rethoric and acts we should be denoucing will make worst than those we are fighting.
If things come to such point, were we will be forced to pick up arms to kill each other, we must not do it with ease of mind. We are not butchers, we are not murderers, we are not indifferent to suffering and misery. We must fight because we have no other option left.
You and your date enter said room with a crowbar apiece (I’m bringing a modded spade), and the roomful of fascists gathered there, what, just stand and meekly stare at you both? Get on the ball. Don’t let go of the crowbar, but cut everything else loose, citizen. Clock’s tickin’ and that fuckin’ you’re here for ain’t starting until the room’s freshly painted.
There’s a scene in game of thrones where the guy goes ‘nothing like a good fuck after a good fight’
So like 3,5 min for fighting and 3,5 for fucking? I’m almost 40, I can’t get it up in 3,5 minutes.
You a quick study on skulling fascists? Only 3.5 mins for a roomful seems like a walk-in closet at the most, but maybe you’ve been practicing for the big leagues. Commendable foresight, citizen.
You should see a doctor. I am 40 and I have no issues with either.
“Boosting cars or having sex, boosting cars or having sex… What about having sex while boosting cars?”
That movie was the first DVD I ever bought and it is still one of movies I enjoy watching for a relaxed afternoon.
The director’s cut takes it up a notch.
There’s a director’s cut? Shit I don’t think I’ve seen that version.
There is. More dialogue, more plot depth. Very enjoyable.
Baby steps, citizen. Earn that booty. Top her score or own the bottom. Your choice.
Well if you’re both in there together nobody says you have to leave the room immediately. So both?
As an AroAce person I’ll take beating up nazis >:3
You’ve got no romance in your soul, you’ve got to woo her first by doing a couples activity. Also it’s good cardio.
I’m not really for beating people up in general, unless it’s necessary.
If possible, try and change their minds (it has been known to happen).
Violently resist their attempts at capturing any sort of influence though, which is the point the US is at it seems.
Nazi salute, straight to jail (which is what recently happened in a Victoria, Australia. A funny comparison to the US)
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Licking your lips while you type is only a little telling, puppy.
So… a room full of fascists against two individuals.
To me, this implies they will either be drugged, to be impaired, or chained. Otherwise, the numbers win.
I’m not a butcher. Criminals are to be dealt as such. Death is too short of sentence to be a punishment.
Death is too short of sentence
It’s a crowbar, not a flamethrower. Pick your targets, avoid the head and soft tissue/core areas. Have fun.
You missed the sentence where I declare myself as not being a butcher.
Criminal law doesn’t work on Nazis. They control the courts. Very few non violent options left I’m afraid.
Try this: fascists.
The German National Party is no more.
There is a difference between resorting to force to push down and cull the scum trying to topple the world and resorting to violence like they are, to butcher those they see as worthless, unfit, different.
Force, not violence.
I only wish in them what they wish on me. Anyone who has an issue with that is enabling fascism.
So, given that the average fascist considers anyone who does not subscribe their narrow view of the world as worthless and disposeable and are known to be very expedite on devising cruel and brutal ways to dispose of those they dislike, it would be fair, on your understanding, that the fascists underwent the exact same treatment?
I’m sorry, I’m too busy dealing with my rights being trampled and taken away by these monsters along with other life stressors to care about your moral grandstanding.
Yes. Fuck them. Fuck anyone who supports them for “economic anxiety” or whatever BS rationalization they use to blind themselves, and fuck anyone who is still giving fascists the benifit of the doubt.
There is no middle ground, no high road, when these people literally want to kill me and my friends. I am exhausted by the last week along and have long been sick of people treating fascists with kid gloves.
The idea that people think I’m as bad as they are for standing up for myself while they inflict violence on me. Every step of calling fascists fascists and it’s called “hyperbole” or “hysterical”. Because acknowledgement of what they say they will do, have been doing, and are doing means their lives might be disrupted, that they would need to do something.
They do. We all do. But most people aren’t. So, I’m focused on protecting me and mine. If you wanted a world where all we do is finger wag at fascist then something should have been done to stop what is happening right now…
But now, I have no sympathy anymore and grow tired of liberals, and honestly not a small number of the left, saying we should be above that. That ship sailed a long time ago.
If you are privileged enough to still feel like you are above that, then fucking do something so those of us who are the current targets don’t have to defend ourselves alone.
You know why no one uses the phrase “Nazi apologist”? Because there’s a word for it already. Nazi.
Sea Lion
If they salute like a nazi then they are a nazi. Modeled after the German variety of fascism venerating Hitler etc. Neo-nazi would work I guess, but everything they’ve been doing is straight out of Hitler’s playbook so I feel comfortable using the term nazi.
As for projection of force, you don’t really have any to project. Any resistance would need to be very asymmetric in nature ie high value targets using guerilla methods. I think the difference between force and violence is semantic and really only serves as a euphemism. Moreover you need to create a spectacle of violence. Luigi mangione didn’t use force.
That’s your prerrogative; I respect that. It won’t be small differences like those putting us on opposite corners.
Will I call the act of Mangione as brutal? Yes. But it ended there. The guy did not went on a rampage, after the man’s family and others. So, it was a resort to force, not to violence.
We’re seeing violence being enacted towards groups and individuals. Mass killings in Gaza, torture, starvation, exposure… that is violence.
Going up against a group, even if well organized, by attacking and eliminating key figures, that’s force.
Allow me a more down to earth example: you see an ICE raid mounting. You organize a group of neighbours, hold the cops at gun point, beat the lights out of them, in extremis, a few die, and warn them they are not to come back there.
That’s force.
You kill everyone, raid and destroy their station, go after their families and friends, and hit on sight every single agent.
That’s violence.
I’m that guy
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sure, on Lemmy you’re that guy.
Good for you, I risk?
It’s a crowbar, not a boning knife
Well then you don’t have a strong sense of survival or justice. That’s ok. You can weave baskets while I do it. Everybody has a place.
And now you are missing the part where I state that I will fight, both for me and others. I refuse to butcher others, like the criminals we are denouncing, not to fight them.
How is fighting for survival different than butchering people who would butcher you?
Edit: to begin a better world you have to understand that your hands will have to get dirty not by choice but out of necessity to survive. Do you not have a survival instinct?
How does killing a bunch of them with crowbars begin a better world? Did that work the first time? It sounds to me like we’re trapped in a cycle.
Who said anything about crowbars? Realistically there is no cycle. A cycle means there is some kind of return to normal. Well, our assumption of normal doesn’t exist anymore. Any idea of a future becomes cyberpunk at this point and your concept of a future will be sad, pathetic and relegated to slavery.
Here is the difference, in my view.
I will fight fascist wherever I am met with them. I’ll denounce their ideals, call out their hatred and bigotry towards others, expose their crimes and atrocities. And I will fight them, to the risk of my own life, to defend others from them, if such need arises.
I will not hide behind hollow rethoric to justify killing another human being. I will not persecute a fascist’s family or children, I will not execute fascists summarilly nor cruelly. I will not condone torture.
I want justice. I want fascists arrested, put to trial, sentenced to prison and put to work to rebuild every little thing they destroyed, plowing fields to feed the hungry. I will not become worst than them in the process of getting rid of them.
That’s absolutely a fair point. We have differing views on the subject. I’m of the opinion that people with evil intent have no business existing.
Fascists double down on their fascism in response to punishment. Dead fascists, preferably by natural causes of course, do not.
Not this new brand, the moment they’re actually forced to face consequences for their actions, they tend to shut up.
You know. You might be right.
However, I think it’s best to test out both possibilities in a years-long experiment. Just to be sure.
Wrong energy.
Someone has to play that part. Why not me?
Rise and shine, Mr Freeman.
Rise and shine Mr.Freeman…Rise and shine…
In the flesh—or, rather, in the hazard suit. I took the liberty of relieving you of your weapons. Most of them were government property. As for the suit, I think you’ve earned it.
Dont forget to leave your phone at home.
Better yet? Lose it in your friend’s car before they head off on a road trip. That way, all those modern stresses can be miiiiiles away while you focus on your new happy place for a little while.
Beating nazis while cosplaying as Gordon Freeman? Where do I sign?
There seem to be two very different approaches to being anti-nazi - the problem solvers who want to put them down like the vermin they are and move on, and the sociopaths who fantasize about violently acting out all their personal issues, with nazis being socially acceptable targets,
No reason they shouldn’t enjoy their work.
TIL fantasizing before scrolling to the next entertainment item is “work” lol.
Not too different than Fudds in the gun community praying that someone robs them
Cults are difficult to handle because the members of a cult are both victims of violence and perpetrators of violence.
The sad hard truth is that we need to see people trapped in far right ideology as potential allies. We need to understand the faulty reasoning and lies that led them down that path and find a way to welcome them back into a world of acceptance and empathy. Personal attacks may feel good but it only entrenches them further.
Ridicule the ideology. Point out the logical fallacies, inconsistencies and lies… Don’t let them have a platform to spread hate without opposition or counterarguments. But also understand the people spreading the hate are hurting inside and if they switch sides they can be the best allies to help counter-program others.
I agree. Hate is a byproduct of fear - the favorite tool of manipulators. Ultimately even the manipulators are victims of some kind of fear that motivates their behavior. But first you stop people from hurting others, then if they survive being stopped you can compassionately try to heal them. The attitude difference I was talking about is wanting to stop wrongdoers vs wanting them to suffer.
It’s the same picture
I’d bring my small box cutter, but I think a crowbar would be more effective. That, and I wouldn’t wanna waste a perfectly good box cutter on street trash.
Does the soundproofness allow you to do stealth kills? Cuz otherwise, crowbar or not, you’re probably gonna get overtaken by a room full of opponents, unless this is also happening in some sort of kung fu movie.
Username checks out. 🤣🤦🏼♂️
I would take advantage of every second >:3
Depending on how many people are there I’m not a fan of 2 on X
Just picture the scene in Zombieland where they destroy the store for fun. But all the shelves are neonazi fuckheads. 😃
Can I bring my own spade, instead?
With freebird playing in the background
I hope you have a good stamina…