I expected Hannelore to get summoned by Dregarnuhr, but to casually be dropped into a room with four deities was not on my bingo card, and neither was time travel.
I wonder why Dregarnuhr seemed so surprised, when Hannelore told her she wanted to convey her feelings to Wilfried. Could it have been a cut off “Wilfried? But you are destined for each other already” or a “Wilfried? That won’t work, no matter what you try.” I certainly hope for the former.
Either way, I hope we will get more details of how Rozemyne is repairing Ferdinand’s thread… and what severed it to begin with. I’d hate for this to be merely a plot device to grant Hannelore a trip to the past… unless of course the severing of Ferdinand’s thread was deliberately done to get Hannelore and Wilfried together, by Liebeskhilfe or some other mischievous deity. In that case the “Wil…?” might have been Dregarnuhr realizing what had happened, but being too late to stop it, which would be a wonderful irony for the goddess of time to have poor timing and make Hannelore being her divine avatar all the more fitting. ^^
But thinking more on it… could this be a paradox, where it turns out that it was Hannelore, who accidentally caused the events that would sever Ferdinand’s thread? As a foreign factor in the timeline, she certainly would make a good candidate for blindsiding the gods.
Poor Hannlore can’t catch a break… but as much as I sympathize with future Hannelore, it must be even worse for past Hannelore.
Either she just has a blank of a couple of days, and suddenly things gotten worse without having any clue what happened, or she does remember suddenly being taken over by her future self, caught in the back of her own mind only able to watch in horror, as her future self messed everything up… that is, if she’s even aware it’s her future self posessing her body. Considering the consequences, she might even think it was some malicious spirit of some kind.
I wonder how/if these changes in the past will enter future Hannelore’s mind. Is this like a multiverse thing, where future Hannelore only knows what she did in the past, of will her own actual past change and her memories of back then update accordingly?
I wonder how much Eglantine is telling Wilfried. I wouldn’t be too surprised if she had become aware of how much disrespect and animosity exists toward both Hannelore and Wilfried due their duchy’s idiotic culture and not realizing that few, if any, know or care about bride stealing ditter and thus blame Wilfried for everything, when it was really Lestilaut’s fault. I wish someone would throw that into their faces at some point. If Wilfried became aware of how much hardship his misguided attempts to be considerate of Hannelore have caused her, it might well trigger his good side, making him feel guilty… as long as none of his retainers, Oswald first and foremost, spin it around. But at least he’ll blame the other Dunkelfelgerians instead of Hannelore, IF that is what Eglantine tells him. It might just be her critizising his lack of acting ability in his fake appology for all we know.