Half a year after Yurgenschmidt inaugurated its first underage aub, Hannelore finds herself pressed to choose from a growing list of marriage candidates. Unsure how best to proceed, she turns to her dear friend Rozemyne for guidance.
Those still holding out hope for him becoming the successor after all, would surely rejoice. Those who faithfully serve him, for his sake, like Lamprecht after his straightening out, I can see going three possible ways.
Happy that he’s getting a good wife, who’s probably going to be able to keep his impulses in check (he’s got to be easier to deal with than the ditter-heads Hannelore is used to dealing with).
They might resent her for the damaged reputation, as you said.
They might take issue with the finally calmed down situation around his succession surely getting heated up and complicated again.
I don’t really know enough about any of them, not even Lamprecht, to make any educated guesses.
Those still holding out hope for him becoming the successor after all, would surely rejoice. Those who faithfully serve him, for his sake, like Lamprecht after his straightening out, I can see going three possible ways.
I don’t really know enough about any of them, not even Lamprecht, to make any educated guesses.