I have a similar story, except the people I asked about it convinced me it might be a scam. I bought some later, but it wasn’t the lifechanging amount it could’ve been.
I have a similar story, except the people I asked about it convinced me it might be a scam. I bought some later, but it wasn’t the lifechanging amount it could’ve been.
Looking at other sources, it looks like they’re shipping them to other counties. Now they’re homeless somewhere else. How heartwarming.
Biggest, not all.
Abuse doesn’t usually fix anything.
I used to work in HVAC. I remember we had a small cold room that was struggling to maintain temperature, as in, design was supposed to be 0°F but it couldn’t get below 36°F. There was a large hole in the box that was undoubtedly the cause of the problem, so I asked the installer how they accounted for that. “Oh, I doubled the infiltration value.” When I tried calculating the actual losses it was way, way higher than the infiltration value. Like, the room needed someting like 3-4 times its total refrigeration capacity to reach target with a giant fucking hole in the box.
No idea who thought putting a giant hole in the box was a good idea.
Was your revenge worth it, Arno? He did not care who he hurt in order to hurt Fran. Fran, who had no say in what was done to him. Fuck Arno.
Judge Judy. I like this modification of the phrase.
Personally, I really, really, really wish we had a viable third party candidate. I don’t want either of these fucks in office.
Raublut screwed over Hildebrand pretty hard. Were we ever told why he encouraged Hildebrand to get his schtappe?
I have some in my closet. They’re still good, I checked them yesterday!
Myne’s copy and paste spell demonstrates how it is perfect for this competition.
Myne kept Ferdinand’s mana colors for quite a while after being dyed. I wonder if she’ll keep the Goddess’s mana colors now? She no longer has mana clumps, but maybe? Does that mean she’ll appear to be more divine to others?
I think it was “the [library’s] tools would [eliminate] anyone who entered the library through illicit means.” But walking in through the front or back door is fine as long as you don’t force your way in. I think you’re entirely correct about the masters, library personnel, and royalty, but I get the impression that royal branch families do not get special access. They got in because of Horenisia’s feystone, which let them into the dormatory, which appears to be a weakness. Solange maybe let them in the rest of the way after the shumils informed her of Hortensia’s arrival? They did threaten her.
The “illicit means” thing probably also applies to the masters, royalty, etc., though, as the shumils did consider Rosemyne a threat when she tried to force her way into the door that holds the copy of the G book.
Cops are the ones who think skin contact can cause an OD.
He was impeached for it, which is charging him with the crime.
PTSD is a bitch.
I am actually somewhat glad that this is a major concern in this story. I feel like it is something most authors overlook.
Sounding is measuring the depth of something. Sounding rods used to be a stick you put into a tank to identify how deep the liquid was in the tank, sometimes with marks on the rod. Maybe I’m just old.
In part because traditional farms scale better than aeroponics or hydroponics. In part because farms don’t pay for the environmental damage they cause. Because of these two points, there is little incentive to industrialize aeroponics or hydroponics.
What is true right now is that traditional farms use more water, fertilizer, and space, cause more environmental damage, but require less labor. And the labor problem can be mitigated with robotics, if we’re willing to invest in that.
So Israel deployed snipers using lethal ammunition to target protesters with excessive force. In this case, a US citizen. For some reason, this event reminds me of the Boston Massacre. Protesting the slaughter means you get slaughtered too.
I’m guessing we’ve abandoned all pretext of a red line that Israel can cross and they’re free to do whatever, and the whole situation just feels like we’ve decided that we’re on the side of evil because we keep supporting this. Might as well start putting skulls on our caps.