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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • It’s not nothing but reddit claims about 270 million weekly active users. So it’s ultimately a difference of about 270 million (especially given that some active users here likely still use reddit and aren’t strictly a loss for them)

    It’s a good thing though. The fediverse needs to grow a bit to feel less like a ghost town on less popular communities but when you grow too much you become a shitty community filled with bad decisions and poorly thought out compromises

  • Depends on the piracy site. If you go to some of the pirate streaming sites or the blogs that host tons of pirated software with 30 rapidgator links that die after a month (instead of just using a torrent like a normal sensible person trying to share a 2-30+gb file that is begging to be taken down) without Adblock it’s absolutely comical how many ads there are. Even with Adblock those are the sites that manage to still have ads because they’re on the cutting edge of sketchy shit. It’s like seeing a late 90s to early 2000s website with how much random bullshit is pasted everywhere

    Despite that I’m pretty sure that Amazon, google, etc do far more nefarious shit behind the scenes in terms of tracking/fingerprinting you and collecting data to sell

  • It’s a trivial repair assuming that’s the extent of the damage and there’s not any quirks associated with an extremely complex medical device that has no documentation whatsoever. Like maybe after not having the controller’s power supply connected for such a length of time there needs to be a calibration process upon bringing it back to life that can only be done with proprietary software

    The biggest thing though is that by going in and fixing it yourself you open yourself to the possibility that the company will now say “oh this was worked on by someone else and that’s why it’s broken, we won’t work on it now”. That’s the state of repair rights in America, vendors are openly hostile to people who fix their own things even if they do it sufficiently. We used to have political representation that gave us regulations to allow us to work on and even modify our cars without impacting the warranty but that’s been eroded and there’s not really anything of that nature for tech stuff (other than judgements saying broken warranty seals don’t count for anything)

  • What kind of tv? For webos it’s potentially a bit complicated but also potentially stupid easy depending on which version of webos your tv has


    I would strongly suggest avoiding nvm even if it’s supported unless you’re very comfortable with hardware hacks. The others are all software and fairly easy to do if you’re capable with following instructions. The most recent, dejavuln, is fairly simple but can be a bit finicky (you may have to try a bunch of times) but lg is also rolling out patches for it so if your tv is updated you may be out of luck. It’s hard to say because the patches aren’t rolled out unilaterally. Webos is a bit confusing and there are many “branches” that all have similar features but wildly different numbering. If your tv is patched block updates by either disconnecting from the internet or blocking the above sites in your router and watch the webos homebrew discord (linked on that site). There are people actively researching new exploits and if one pops up it’ll be discussed in the discord first (and if it’s a big deal, like they expect it to be patched, they usually ping everyone to let them know to do it asap)

  • In some less common scenarios you may need the ftdi or ch34x drivers. Support for these is usually already in the kernel but if not the ftdi comes with the arduino sdk and the ch34x drivers are available

    You would generally only need this for older or super cheap printers, and even then you would generally only need this if you need to reflash the firmware for some reason or refuse to print from an sd/usb. but don’t refuse to do that, even back in the days before wireless printers it was a dumb idea to print via usb

  • that’s why the internet fucking sucks now. Everyone’s too afraid to make their own site and lazily relies on the conglomerates of social media, which has reduced the internet into like 5 websites that repost each others content

    Also seeing isn’t converted to income, especially on instagram. The more hardcore comic fans may want to see your work in full, may want to follow the story if there’s a narrative to your comic, see your arts evolution, etc. and they’re probably the ones that are far more likely to drop cash on merch for a series they enjoy. That’s why you combine the approaches, post comics on instagram or whatever to get the word out, and have a site so your hardcore fans can easily browse your work (with the added bonus of letting people who don’t fuck with social media also see it)

    Again, or don’t, I don’t care. Post everything to facebook and twitter, make the internet just 2 websites instead of 5, refuse to have control of the primary platform your work is shared on, whatever

  • If they don’t want their comics browsed that’s their choice of course but it seems pretty silly. What if instagram deleted/bans their account for nonsense? Goodbye audience and archive of everything you’ve ever done

    Used to be you got a free webhosting account and posted comics to a gallery on a shitty handmade webpage until you built up an audience or gave up. If you got bigger you’d move to a better site with a custom domain and new readers could catch up if they were interested. Achewood, gunshow, dinosaur comics, questionable content, xkcd, penny arcade, nedroid, etc all started about this way and many of them continue to this day. Use social media for promotion, not for archival

    My guess is they don’t want to bother with people who aren’t willing to fuck with facebook, twitter, pixiv, etc. or they don’t know how to make a free website. Whatever, just means they lose the audience of people who refuse to use facebooks bullshit

  • Hosting is cheap and there is free hosting available if you don’t care about having a custom domain and have a limited audience. If your audience is big enough to go past that bandwidth you can probably monetize somehow and cover server costs easily, even if it’s just selling a few pieces of merch. My website is $80 a year with a custom domain and I get unlimited transfer/bandwidth. It’s shared hosting so over about 1k visitors per day means it’ll get slow but if you’re getting that kind of traffic you can probably sell more merch and get a vps

    Use twitter/pixiv/ig for promotion but if you don’t do the above your locking out anyone who refuses to make account. All of them won’t let you look at more than 1-5 images before locking you out entirely with account nag screens that can’t be bypassed. Or just stay on those platforms, I don’t care, I’ll just never read your comic

  • Just fyi for anyone who would care about this: while hue bulbs are built well they are moving towards a model that requires you to put them on “the cloud”, even though they were sold for years and years without that requirement. The update will be mandatory whether you want it or not as part of Philips security being integrated into the app. It’s unclear what will happen if you don’t create an account and sign in at that point

    So if you’re like me and put all your iot shit on an isolated vlan without internet access they may not be the best option for you. Or if you just don’t want to support a company that wildly changes the tos years after purchasing their (expensive) product. I don’t want my home shit on the internet, I don’t trust Philips to put enough cash or effort into securing their servers, etc.

    The bulbs do work with zigbee though and that seems to be a viable alternative to using their hub/app although I haven’t tested it fully. This also means if you’re using them via HomeKit you’ll need some kind of bridge like home assistant

  • Clicker training is just paired stimulus to provide an easier and cheaper mode of reinforcement, training a behavior is separate

    like you do the clicker training by associating a noise (or whatever) consistently with a positive stimulus. what stimuli you use to prepare depends on the learner as different stimuli have different potency depending on the learners preferences. eg you can say a blanket “I’ll use food” for your dog and for some dogs this is fine. mine certainly seems to be food indiscriminate with no serious preference and very few refused items. But even with that I still need to take care not to use the non preferred (he spits out lettuce and celery. otherwise literally anything gets him salivating)

    but then to change a behavior you’re still relying on operant conditioning which would be something like upon exhibiting the desired behavior provide access to reinforcement consistently and then fade it out as the behavior strengthens. Operant conditioning is much more complex than this of course but this is a pretty standard jumping off point.

    That said there are pros and cons to clicker training humans. This is something that is practiced and even has some evidence behind it. The clicker solves a lot of potential reinforcement issues: it’s far easier to deliver immediately (which matters a lot). But I worry about the potency loss translating a strong reinforcer to a clicker. If you pair it with a food you really love or something it will potentially be effective but never as effective as the food itself.

    This is still potentially worthwhile as food reinforcers are often problematic (increasing caloric intake, often food reinforcers for people aren’t healthy options, promoting unhealthy eating habits) and reducing it to a click eliminates those issues. But if the behavior you’re trying to create is particularly difficult or aversive the reduction may mean the potency is no longer high enough to motivate.

    Often this can be countered by making the behavior less complex and working up to it (eg instead of learning a complex task in its entirety breaking it down into more manageable chunks). In practice this may look like just initiating the task at first and providing reinforcement, then as comfort increases raising the bar for reinforcement. Eg I need to keep my room clean but I hate cleaning so to start out I provide reinforcement for just picking up one item/small area. But then when I do that consistently I raise the bar and now I have to pick up 2 areas. Etc. or you could approach as a tolerance thing, I start by cleaning for only 3 minutes and reinforcing, then 5, 7, 10, etc. numbers are arbitrary and depend on the learner. Approach depends on the learner too, the toleration approach makes more sense for most people but if you do a bad job cleaning and need to develop the skill of cleaning thoroughly the first can make more sense. Then reinforcement is not time based but quality based, Eg did you clean the area sufficiently even if it took you 8 minutes. Drawbacks and positives for every approach

    And of course there’s the issue of delivering your own reinforcement. If you control access what’s to stop you from just taking the thing even though the behavior wasn’t exhibited. These strategies typically work better with external control of r+, but some people do have the self discipline to do it alone.

    There’s a LOT more to conditioning and reinforcement but I’m getting bored of this lmao. Also you may notice I didn’t describe anything about punishment. That is intentional because it is generally at a much higher risk of creating adverse effects and some studies suggest it is not nearly as effective as reinforcement based strategies wrt general population (and some specialized populations)

  • I worked homeless outreach in a rural area. My job was to connect people to housing, assist with obtaining government benefits, and mental health services if necessary. They would spend the day at local hot spots, well trafficked convenience stores in the morning, well trafficked stores like the local grocery store for most of the rest of the day. A lot of them would hang out in the stores as long as possible to escape the heat/cold and many would also hit up strangers for money at these spots

    They were often very hesitant or completely unwilling to share where they actually slept. Even though I worked for a nonprofit a lot of them saw me as a government employee and even the ones who didn’t still were very hesitant to trust me or any of my coworkers with that info. I’m pretty sure they were scared that I would call the cops or something. Some slept in wooded areas, some slept behind stores, some couch surfed, etc from the ones who did share and who I found (part of my job was being the point of contact for police and other emergency services who found people staying outside in dangerous weather and getting them emergency housing).

    Even though it was probably like 2013 or so that I did this job the absolute cheapest room that would rent to the homeless was $700/mo. There were cheaper rooms around but they tended to require big deposits and would often refuse to rent to someone that didn’t already have a permanent address. I’m pretty sure that’s illegal but they would get around it usually by being vague and ghosting. “Oh so sorry someone else got the room”, stuff like that, and you’d see it was still available for 3 more months. I can’t even imagine what the rent is like now

    Super depressing job. It’s very difficult to escape that cycle once you’re in it. It radicalized me a lot to work with people who were literally left on the street in a town with hundreds of vacant apartments. By our estimate there were maybe 20-40 homeless people in said town at any given point

  • You can also use komf alongside komga/kavita to just scrape metadata automatically upon import. A bit finnicky to get going (a tampermonkey script is required to give it accessible setting on the komga page) but works very well and even has a gui for identifying results and selecting the correct option if the auto scrape fails similar to jellyfin

    For the actual reader part I just use komga as a server and read through Mihon (one of the tachiyomi forks) on my ereader mostly. occasionally I’ll use paperback on my iphone (although recently I’ve been trying Tachimanga, which is basically an iOS tachiyomi fork). Loads library, can sort by tag/library/date added, reads most things very well, can sync read status with the komga server (and/or manga updates or whatever), etc.

  • There’s evidence that trigger warnings actually worsen anxiety and are counterproductive

    The way to treat anxiety is to face the source of anxiety to try and change your relationship and reaction. The best way to do this is via controlled access that exposes one to the trigger gradually in a context that has no risk of harm (eg a media depiction, discussing the concept, building up to discussing the source of trauma that led to the phobic response if applicable)

    Trigger warnings enable active avoidance. This sensitizes one to the aversive stimuli and makes the phobic response stronger. As a result when one encounters the stimulus (eg a friend, family, celebrity etc commits suicide, suffers an eating disorder, etc) your resilience to the trigger is now even lower and the response is more likely to be more significant than it was before.

    That said education on access to resources like 988 or other warm lines can lower suicide rates, maybe. Research is more mixed here because it’s difficult to prove causation