Huh. I’ve played around with D a few years ago… don’t exactly remember his opinions coming to light, but I can’t say I’m surprised either.
IIUC Apple syncs them using the most secure way they can, i.e. when you enroll a new device to your account the existing device, the existing device’s HSM encrypts keys using the pubkey of the new one’s HSM; and for recovery from being left with 0 Apple devices there might be (?) an escrow option that’s optional (?)
Air travel is quite polluting, of course I would expect such companies to have a PR budget focused on that kind of thing…
I preordered it on Steam and played on a big PC as soon as possible, it looked incredible to me, the initial release did crash occasionally but I always found it strange how much attention that instability got compared to how Todd Howard games are just casually permitted to be comically buggy.
Keeping out a vendor-specific one in favor of a vendor-agnostic one seems actually positive to me. That vendor-specific “superiority” must be fought.
I loved True Colors as well.
People have hacked a lot of those onto the old official engine actually (MGE XE) :D OpenMW is more focused on fundamentals than on the flashy stuff, but AFAIK currently has great fog support and the ability to load custom shaders from mods
What would even be the point of an official remaster when you can combine the OpenMW engine with a mod pack? And there’s Skywind the great remake still in the making…
Used to when I had the space and setup (had a Samsung Odyssey+), sadly didn’t get to finish HL:Alyx.
I’m surprised that Ctrl+F “Superhot” → 0 matches, that one was amazing to complete
Moved most of my stuff there a while ago, has been pretty great.