
“I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel, everything is closed,” Gallant said. “We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly.”

    • Cethin
      219 months ago

      They never weren’t, but they at least had the decency to pretend like they weren’t before.

        • Potentially, sure. Things like carpet bombing civilian areas, certain uses of minefields, certain munitions, etc are banned by convention but the thing about the Geneva Conventions are that they are a mutual treaty. Your nation agrees not to do it to other signatories or nations or forces that have otherwise agreed to the limitations as well.

          In this case? No. Not at all justified. Hamas might not agree to the Conventions, and thus don’t benefit from the protections, but the moment they suspended elections they lost the right to claim they represent the Gaza Strip, even if Israel didn’t claim it as territory regardless.

          Israel is a signatory of the Conventions, and the Gaza Strip is their claimed land, this is a war crime against people they claim as their own, the actions of what amounts to a domestic terrorist network is irrelevant to whether they can starve people into submission.

          A standard genocidal tactic of imperialists everywhere, mind you, from the Irish famine, to the Holodomor, to the Bengal Famines.

            • @DragonTypeWyvern@literature.cafe
              9 months ago

              Fair enough, it’s just the rest of the world that says they act like they do whatever they officially claim, while they refuse to recognize everything necessary for Palestine to exist as a functional state.

              • Iceblade
                39 months ago

                Oh most certainly. Palestine as a whole isn’t a functional state, just the Gaza Strip (albeit under varying degrees of blockade since Hamas was elected and won the civil war). I’d consider the W.B to be occupied/undergoing a slow process of annexation. I think the most realistic solution for the citizens of the W.B is that they at some point in the future get the option to become Israeli citizens with all the rights (and responsibilities) that entails.

            • NeshuraA
              -29 months ago

              How do you explain the illegal Israeli settlements there then?

          • sivalente
            59 months ago

            Israel unilaterally removed itself from the gaza strip all most 20 years ago. They only sell infrastructure to the gazan government.

        • @Pasta4u@lemmy.world
          69 months ago

          Murder is against the law in western countries but of someone tries to kill you, you can kill them in self defense.

          So yea of someone is committing war crimes against you, you can fo ahead and fight back to get them to stop

          • NeshuraA
            09 months ago

            War crimes are war crimes, doesn’t matter if the other side started them first. Israel is stooping just as low as Hamas is with these tactics, you can and should fight in self defense without targeting Civilians

            • @SCB@lemmy.world
              29 months ago

              They don’t target civilians. Hamas does.

              When you build your headquarters inside a civilian hospital, and that hospital gets bombed, you are to blame for the war crime of positioning your HQ in a civilian hospital, not the person who bombs you.

              • NeshuraA
                29 months ago

                If you build an HQ in a hospital that’s (likely? I’d assume so) a war crime. If your opponent then bombs that hospital to bomb you they are also committing a war crime. Some of you are insane, would you agree with the police shooting hostages because “well they took the hostages first, it’s their fault we shot them”. Fuck no, you’d cry for whoever did that to go to prison. Just because Hamas is stooping so low does not suddenly make it OK for Israel to stoop just about as low.

                • @SCB@lemmy.world
                  9 months ago

                  I only know the war crimes I was taught about that can plausibly be laid on Jews

                  Yeah I’m aware. Show me on the doll where ((George Soros)) and the ((globalists)) hurt you.

                  • NeshuraA
                    19 months ago

                    be laid on Jews

                    fancy how it always ends up being this according to people defending Israel as rightful. I don’t give a shit about Israel being mostly jewish. Should I give them a free war crime pass because they suffered from genocide in the past? That how you think this should work?

          • It’s legally how the Geneva Conventions work. You are only bound to them if the other side agrees to it as well.

            However, Hamas is not the Gaza Strip, it is not Palestine, and Israel claims the Strip as its territory anyways so to claim the civilian population doesn’t accept the Convention so they aren’t bound by it is ludicrous.

    • so wait. Siege is a war crime? Not taking a side, I’m just a technicalities kind of guy. Its not like locking people in a house. And don’t hostage negotiators do just that in the US? (Could be just on tv). But it’s a big place. Fuel and electricity are nice to haves. They should have some amount of food and water stored up. And the southern border is with egypt, so I assume they can’t actually do anything about that. Doesn’t seem like a straight up war crime. But I have never read yhe definitions they have at the UN.

        • @wwaxen@lemmy.world
          9 months ago

          I just took a gander at the list as a refresher, and it is not 100% a war crime. You can argue this is an unjustified or excessive attack on civilians, but a judge may rule that is is required to defend against the enemy (Hamas).

          • @chiliedogg@lemmy.world
            139 months ago

            Item 2.b.25 from the list seems to match up:

            "Intentionally using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare by depriving them of objects indispensable to their survival, including wilfully impeding relief supplies as provided for under the Geneva Conventions; "

            • Iceblade
              39 months ago

              Is the intent to starve civilians or to deprive hamas combatants of any and all supplies?

              • NeshuraA
                89 months ago

                If you are blocking an entire region from getting food and water then yes, the intent is to starve the civilian population.

                • Iceblade
                  19 months ago

                  Regardless of what we feel is intended or not, that is what war is - hell for everybody involved. Let’s just hope that this doesn’t get drawn out.

                • @SCB@lemmy.world
                  -19 months ago

                  That’s not what “intent to starve a civilian population” means. This is not a program of starvation. It’s cutting off resources before an invasion

                  This isn’t your homebrew DnD game where you can make rules mean whatever you want.

                  • NeshuraA
                    29 months ago

                    This is not a program of starvation

                    It is though. A program of cutting off resources would be blocking fuel and other goods, not fucking food and water. Ukraine was rightfully put in the corner for cutting off water to Crimea after 2014. There is no excuse to starving people, it’s a horrendous crime which should land the people involved in prison. Besides what do you think will happen now? Who will the Palestinians in Gaza trust more, the murder hobos who got them into this mess or the Israelis who decided collective punishment is an appropriate response? War crimes are called war crimes for a reason, just because one side commits them doesn’'t suddenly make it ok to commit them back.