As tensions rise over the increasingly important “Zent candidates,” Rozemyne finds herself entangled in the web of royal politics. Thankfully, this also secures her the chance to bargain with one of the princes...
Out of all the royals Anastasius has spent the most time around her, makes sense that he is the only one recognizing that speaking politely around her is just wasted effort. Better to speak clearly and not care about how rude it sounds, she doesn’t care. It does however highlight the abnormality of his and Eglantine’s “discussion” with Rozemyne about her becoming Zent. Something is up there making them panic and I wanna know what so badly.
Also it is rather interesting that his thoughts about how to treat Roz most align with her own wishes, even if he is being rude about it. If possible, take away Grutrissheit from her, let her work to improve Ehrenfest’s PR until she is an adult, and then let her move back to Ehrenfest.
“I mean that was rude… but he’s not wrong”
Out of all the royals Anastasius has spent the most time around her, makes sense that he is the only one recognizing that speaking politely around her is just wasted effort. Better to speak clearly and not care about how rude it sounds, she doesn’t care. It does however highlight the abnormality of his and Eglantine’s “discussion” with Rozemyne about her becoming Zent. Something is up there making them panic and I wanna know what so badly.
Also it is rather interesting that his thoughts about how to treat Roz most align with her own wishes, even if he is being rude about it. If possible, take away Grutrissheit from her, let her work to improve Ehrenfest’s PR until she is an adult, and then let her move back to Ehrenfest.